Standard Bank, Africa’s Largest Bank by Assets, Partners with a Reputable Blockc...

 2 years ago
source link: https://bitcoinke.io/2022/01/the-standard-bank-blockchain-research-institute/
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Standard Bank, Africa’s Largest Bank by Assets, Partners with a Reputable Blockchain Think Tank

Blockchain Research Institute (BRI) is a global blockchain think tank that has expanded its work on the continent courtesy of cooperation with one of Africa's largest banks, Standard Bank.

January 13, 2022


Blockchain Research Institute (BRI) is a global blockchain think tank that has expanded its work on the continent courtesy of cooperation with one of Africa’s largest banks, Standard Bank.

The partnership has introduced BRI Africa which brings together academics, policymakers, entrepreneurs, and researchers to undertake ground-breaking research on blockchain technology, bridging the gap between the technological functionality of blockchain and the real market need.

As such, the institution is working on over 100 projects with the motive to identify strategic opportunities, challenges, and implications of blockchain technology in business, government, and society.

As part of attempts to distribute the knowledge gathered across the country, part of the think-tank’s role will be providing a range of educational deliverables in the form of webinars, books, conferences. The institute will also deliver an online course, a collaboration of the BRI with INSEAD, Europe’s top-ranked business school, and Coursera, the largest platform for online education.


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While financial institutions have mainly been asked not to facilitate cryptocurrency transactions, major banks across the continent are alive to the potential of cryptocurrencies – and it is no surprise that Africa’s largest bank by assets is keen to unlock the potential in crypto in Africa.

According to the Head of Blockchain, Ian Putter, the bank is looking at the blockchain to enhance speed and transparency.

“Standard Bank Group has been a pioneer in leveraging blockchain and distributed ledger technologies to bring speed and transparency to our large and growing customer base across Africa.”

– Head of Blockchain, Standard Group

The think tank is also fostering business ideas that center on blockhain technologies through the Africa Blockchain Incubation Program. According to BRI Africa, the program, which is currently open for Egypt and Zimbabwe, offers resources for new founders to use to launch and scale a startup.


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