Twitter Publishes 2022 Major Events Calendar to Assist with Your Marketing Plans

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/twitter-publishes-2022-major-events-calendar-to-assist-with-your-marketing/617010/
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Twitter Publishes 2022 Major Events Calendar to Assist with Your Marketing Plans

Published Jan. 11, 2022

Andrew Hutchinson Content and Social Media Manager

This will help in your 2022 planning.

Amid the ongoing pandemic, mapping out an effective strategy has been virtually impossible, in all businesses, because with everything changing, we never know what’s getting back to normal and what isn’t, and how each of these re-openings or cancellations will then alter subsequent consumer behavior and activity.

Events are a big one – over the past two years, we’ve become increasingly familiar with the fine print on tickets, and the refund policies for in-person events, because you never know, up till the last minute, what’s actually going ahead.

That makes planning your tie-in social media campaigns challenging, because there’s little point mapping out your CES-aligned tweet schedule if CES is then canceled, costing you money and time.

For social media marketers, that’s made things a lot more fluid, which is why Twitter has also altered its approach to its annual events calendars, opting to host an interchangeable, editable listing online, instead of a hard copy or PDF document that you can then download and build from.

Twitter’s 2022 planning calendar is now live at this link, and while some events will still be added and removed throughout the year, it’s a handy companion for your planning and strategy.

Twitter 2022 events planner

As you can see here, Twitter’s planner maps out all the key dates and events of note for each month, with a listing of things that are currently scheduled to go ahead.

Of course, you should check in on all the conferences and sporting events individually, to ensure that they actually are being held. But the listing does provide a solid reference guide for all the key tie-in opportunities for your social media campaigns throughout the year.

What’s more, Twitter has published regional events calendars for Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, India, Japan, MENA, Mexico, SEA, Spain and the UK.

It’s a great resource, worth bookmarking for your planning – and even if things do change, it’s still good to know what’s scheduled to be coming up to better map out your approach.

Couple that with Twitter’s comprehensive 2022 marketing guide, and you have pretty much all you need to build a solid Twitter strategy.

You can check out Twitter’s 2022 marketing calendar here.

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