Build a Modern DeFi Solution with MongoDB & Stellar in 1 week

 2 years ago
source link: https://dev.to/0xsaurav/neobanking-with-mongodb-15fd
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Posted on Jan 14

Build a Modern DeFi Solution with MongoDB & Stellar in 1 week

Overview of My Submission

Building Financial Applications are challenging. A typical application requires good design of db-schemas, data read-write and concise front-end to back-end interactions. Building such appplications generally takes a few months of development-time effort.

With MongoDB Atlas and Realm - this can be achieved in under a weeks time and a MVP level application can be ready for end user testing.

This submission covers the various steps to setup a Fintech application. It includes User Registration, Contact Management, Making and Requesting Fund Transfers, Download Account Statements, Notifications etc. It does not include actual fund transfers - and current intergation is only with Stellar Testnet - however this can be easily achieved by linking with a Payment Gateway Service or Stellar Mainnet or any other Blockchain Network for actual fund transfers.

Submission Category:

Action Star

Application Overview The application allows KYC completed users to login. After authentication, it provides a unified login interface and account selection (personal, business). Inside, user has access to


  • Dashboard with account balance, various action short-cuts, Pending Payments and Collections
  • Contacts List (personal, business)
  • Transfers List - record or all transactions with filters to search (the welcome bonus transaction is seen)
  • Accounts - List of all accounts - Stellar, Fiat etc
  • Reports - for downloading statements
  • Solutions - this is a list of various offerings personalized for the customer. (we are showing all options here), however, for example, the business user will get option to open additional accounts for customer invoice payment collections or for managing payroll accounts. These are to be controlled by the subscription plans purchased by the user - depending on number of customers, suppliers and team members, contacts etc...

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