Infinispan and Log4j CVE-2021-45046 CVE-2021-45105

 2 years ago
source link: https://infinispan.org/blog/2021/12/23/infinispan-log4j-cve-releases
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Blogs Infinispan and Log4j CVE-2021-45046 CVE-2021-45105

Infinispan and Log4j CVE-2021-45046 CVE-2021-45105

December 23, 2021 Tags: release

By Ryan Emerson

Dear Infinispan community,

We’ve just released 13.0.5.Final, 12.1.10.Final and 11.0.14.Final to address the latest CVEs that affect log4j-core (CVE-2021-45046, CVE-2021-45105). Additionally, we have released upgraded versions of the Infinispan Operator to match the server versions: 2.2.3.Final for Infinispan 13.0 and 2.1.7.Final for Infinispan 12.1. Please upgrade as soon as you can. Refer to our tracking Jira ISPN-13597 for versions.

What’s affected

We include log4j-core in our server distributions, including the images. We are fixing the issue by upgrading to Log4J 2.17.0.

Mitigation strategies

If you cannot upgrade, there are a several mitigation strategies you can apply. But upgrading is always the best solution.

Get it, Use it, Ask us!

We’re hard at work on new features, improvements and fixes, so watch this space for more announcements!

Please, download and test the latest release.

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