NuGet Gallery | Funtom.Linq 0.0.5

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Funtom.Linq/0.0.5
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Funtom.Linq is a library for F# that is compatible with System.Linq.
This library makes it easier to use pipeline operators and optimizes for FSharp.Core.List<'T> and more.

Naming rules

The method names defined in System.Linq are redefined in camelCase.
For example, 'Select' becomes 'select', and 'ToList' becomes 'toList'.


In this section, I will show you how to use the System.Linq 'Where' and 'Select' method as an example.

  1. When using System.Linq

    open System.Linq
    let xs =
      [ 0..10 ]
        .Where ((>) 5)
        .Select ((*) 2)
  2. When using Funtom.Linq

    #r "nuget: Funtom.Linq"
    open Funtom.Linq
    let xs =
      [ 0..10 ]
      |> Linq.where ((>) 5)
      |> Linq.select ((*) 2)


Funtom.Linq is intended to be implemented in such a way that its performance is almost equal to or better than that of System.Linq.
Let's compare the performance of 'Select'.

  let xs = [ 0 .. 10000 ]
  let ys = [| 0 .. 10000 |]
  let zs = ResizeArray([| 0 .. 10000 |])
  let ss = seq { 0 .. 10000 }

  member __.Fsharp_Seq_map_fslist() = xs |> Seq.map ((*) 2) |> Linq.toArray

  member __.Funtom_select_fslist() = xs |> Linq.select ((*) 2) |> Linq.toArray

  member __.Linq_Select_fslist() = xs.Select((*) 2).ToArray()
  member __.Fsharp_Seq_map_array() = ys |> Seq.map ((*) 2) |> Linq.toArray

  member __.Funtom_select_array() = ys |> Linq.select ((*) 2) |> Linq.toArray

  member __.Linq_Select_array() = ys.Select((*) 2).ToArray()
  member __.Fsharp_Seq_map_resizearry() = zs |> Seq.map ((*) 2) |> Linq.toArray

  member __.Funtom_select_resizearry() = zs |> Linq.select ((*) 2) |> Linq.toArray

  member __.Linq_Select_resizearry() = zs.Select((*) 2).ToArray()

  member __.Fsharp_Seq_map_seq() = ss |> Seq.map ((*) 2) |> Linq.toArray

  member __.Funtom_select_seq() = ss |> Linq.select ((*) 2) |> Linq.toArray

  member __.Linq_Select_seq() = ss.Select((*) 2).ToArray()


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