Defining a group of cell names using vba

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.codesd.com/item/defining-a-group-of-cell-names-using-vba.html
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Defining a group of cell names using vba


I have a question, I am trying to define a cell name in excel using vba. Now to select one cell only i have been using the following code which proves to work fine: Range("A1").Name = "zm_1"

However I need to name a number of cells in a column i.e:

Range("A1").Name = "zm_1" Range("A2").Name = "zm_2" Range("A3").Name = "zm_3" Range("A4").Name = "zm_4"

Since this is quite tedious for 100 cells, i have been trying to use an array:

For i=1 to 100 Range("A(i)").Name = "zm_(i)" next

^ this however gives an error which i have been unable to track. Any ideas/suggestions on how can it be done? Thanks!

The problem is with Range("A(i)").Name = "zm_(i)" The " indicate that something is text, so you should place your (i) out of the ".

For the first part it is quiet easy, as you can also use the row and column way of describing the cell. Therefore that becomes


For the second part you need to concatenate the text and the numbers. That becomes: "zm_" & i

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