mClassic, the external GPU that makes classic console games look better, is on s...

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.techspot.com/news/92738-mclassic-external-gpu-makes-classic-console-games-look.html
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mClassic, the external GPU that makes classic console games look better, is on sale

Plug-and-play antialiasing and resolution upscaling

By Shawn Knight December 23, 2021, 10:46 AM

In brief: Remember mClassic, the plug-and-play graphics processor that promised to upgrade the graphical experience when playing older console games? The Indiegogo campaign smashed its funding goal in the summer of 2019 but what you may not know is that the add-oh hardware is now shipping worldwide.

The mClassic is an inline graphics adapter designed to plug directly into your game console of choice (either directly or via an HMDI adapter). From there, you’ll need to run another HDMI cable from the mClassic to your television and power the device via USB.

mClassic has three modes of operation: scaling off, scaling on and retro. With scaling off, your console’s original signal will pass right through, completely unaltered. With scaling on, mClassic will redraw every pixel, add an antialiasing layer and output at a higher resolution. Retro mode will add in the other processing effects but maintain the original aspect ratio.

The mClassic is available to purchase from writing at a 15 percent discount, yours for only $84.99. You can also score an extra five percent off when you sign up for their mailing list.

It’s no PS5 or Xbox Series, but with those consoles being so hard to track down right now, perhaps dusting off your old systems, boosting the visuals and revisiting some classics will be enough to hold you over until the inventory / bot issues get worked out.

Image credit Nintendo Life

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