TIBCO Analytics Teams Up with Amazon Web Services | The TIBCO Blog

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Insights for All: TIBCO Teams Up with Amazon Web Services for Powerful Analytics Solutions Across Your Enterprise

November 29, 2021
TIBCO Spotfire
Reading Time: 2 minutes

While machine learning (ML) can provide powerful analytic insights for your business, many organizations report struggling to derive value from ML-based insights. There are several reasons for this, including a lack of data scientists within an organization and, in many cases, an existing silo between business domain experts and data science departments.

To make predictive analytics more accessible across the workplace, especially to those who best understand the business, TIBCO is excited to announce that TIBCO Spotfire now supports integration with Amazon SageMaker Autopilot.

Why SageMaker Autopilot is a Tool for Everyone 

With SageMaker Autopilot, you just set your predictive variables and the number of configurations you want it to run, and it automatically builds, trains, and fine-tunes the best ML model to fit your data, optimizing the model creation process. Once that’s done, SageMaker Autopilot essentially passes Spotfire back what it deemed the best ML models as well as data showing how well the predictions did, based on training and validation data. 

This allows data analysts to gain a deeper insight into how well the predictions are performing so they can make more informed improvements to model quality. These results are also presented in auto-generated, easy-to-digest visualizations that give business analysts a fuller understanding of their organization’s data in a form that allows them to drive greater value across the enterprise.

The Power of ML in the Hands of the Business

Michael O’Connell, TIBCO’s Chief Analytics Officer, emphasizes the impact of this solution on democratizing machine learning: “The integration of TIBCO Spotfire and Amazon SageMaker Autopilot puts interactive visual analytics and AutoML technologies at the fingertips of business analysts. This opens space for innovation, speeds time-to-insight, and drives extreme value across all business functions.”

SageMaker Autopilot’s use cases span a wide range of industries, including finance, manufacturing, healthcare, retail, sports, logistics, travel, energy, and more—making it a crucial integration for just about any organization looking to reap the benefits of predictive analytics and empower users outside of the data science department. 

TIBCO and AWS: Working Together to Democratize Data

TIBCO Spotfire’s integration support for SageMaker Autopilot is just the latest in a long-standing relationship with AWS full of innovative collaborations and solutions. As an AWS Partner, TIBCO works closely with AWS to provide businesses with the expertise and support to achieve their digital transformation goals through access to powerful insights for smarter, accelerated decision-making.

In this case, TIBCO and AWS have come together to collaborate on a solution that helps business users with the best understanding of their organization operate with stronger foresight and derive actionable business value from their machine learning-based insights—without the need for a data science background.

Head to the TIBCO Community to download, deploy, and add the SageMaker Autopilot template dashboard and get started. 

There’s Always Something New to Explore in TIBCO Spotfire

TIBCO and AWS have come together to collaborate on a solution that helps business users operate with stronger foresight and derive actionable business value from ML-based insights. Click To Tweet

Amazon SageMaker Autopilot is just one of the many exciting integrations for TIBCO Spotfire. Get a free 30 day trial of TIBCO Spotfire and explore custom analytics apps or make your own contributions to the visual analytics community in the Spotfire Mods Hub.

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