How to find K first digits of the decimal representation of 1 / N

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.codesd.com/item/how-to-find-k-first-digits-of-the-decimal-representation-of-1-n.html
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How to find K first digits of the decimal representation of 1 / N


This is an interview question I came across: find K first digits of the decimal representation of 1/N. It looks like we need just calculate 10^K/N to solve the problem. Does it make sense ? It looks like I am missing something because the solution is too easy.

Just implement grade-school long division:

int value = 1;
bool outputDecimalSeparator = false;
int digitsOutput = 1;
while(digitsOutput <= k) {
    if (value == 0) {
    else {
        if (value < n) {
            value *= 10;
        else {
            Console.Write(value / n);
            value %= n;
   if (outputDecimalSeparator == false) {
       outputDecimalSeparator = true;

The branch on value == 0 is to detect when 1 / n has a terminating representation of less than k digits.

Here, n is the denominator in 1 / n and k is the number of digits to print in the decimal representation of 1 / n.

Note that by changing value *= 10 to value *= b you can print the b-ary representation of 1 / n as well.

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