GitHub - 1lann/log4shelldetect: Rapidly scan filesystems for Java programs poten...

 2 years ago
source link: https://github.com/1lann/log4shelldetect
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Scans a file or folder recursively for Java programs that may be vulnerable to Log4Shell (CVE-2021-44228) by inspecting the class paths inside files.

If you only want possibly vulnerable files to be printed rather than all files, run with -mode list.


Usage: log4shelldetect [options] <path>

        include zip files in the scan
  -mode string
        the output mode, either "report" (every jar pretty printed) or "list" (list of potentially vulnerable files) (default "report")


Code here is released to the public domain under unlicense.

With the exception of velocity-1.1.9.jar which is an example vulnerable .jar file part of Velocity which is licensed under GPLv3.

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