Minecraft New Year's celebration begins: Sale starts Dec. 21 | Windows Experienc...

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PC gaming
December 15, 2021

Minecraft New Year’s celebration begins: Sale starts Dec. 21

The Minecraft team has announced that its New Year’s Celebration is now officially in session. “Go! Rejoice! Check out Minecraft Marketplace, try on some skins, play the maps and have fun – in whatever order you like,” Sofia Dankis declared in a post on Minecraft.net.

Throughout the celebration, Minecraft will also be releasing free maps for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition and Minecraft: Java Edition, as well as daily free Character Creator items that start dropping on Dec. 21. You can find the Bedrock: Edition maps in Minecraft Marketplace, along with a sale that will take place between Dec. 21 and Jan. 4. It will include giveaways, items at 33% off and daily doorbusters at 75% off.

Find out more at Minecraft.net.

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