Peeking at more: Future Progress on C23

 2 years ago
source link: https://thephd.dev/c-more-improvements-september-c23
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Peeking at more: Future Progress on C23

December 07, 2021

Last article, we talked about features that are definitely in-the-bag for C23 (as in, they are voted into the working draft). In that time, we had another meeting (Mid-November 2021 Virtual Meeting), voted in some new papers, and established the cutoff for final documents. So, this article is going to catch everyone up on what was accepted, and some newer stuff as well that exists in the “gray area”. for things that are in-progress, might not make it, or were outright rejected for C23.

As we go over this, there’ll be a helpful little emoji in the header for each paper / collection of papers. They are my own interpretation of how things are going from watching the process, not necessarily a definitive stamp on how things are going. They do not reflect any Committee Opinion™ or any paper author’s experience. They are as follows:

  • 🎉 Made It
  • ✅ Likely to Make It
  • 🛡 Successfully Defended, Making Progress
  • ⚔ Heavily Contested, Hard to Tell
  • ⛔ Likely Stopped / Dead in its Current Form
  • ❔ Unsure How It Will Go / If It Will Progress

We will not touch on everything, but we will cover a fair bit of things that might impact you, as an end user!

Title Photo by Kelvin Valerio, from Pexels.

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