Invitation to Insomnia Qualifier 2021

 2 years ago
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Invitation to Insomnia Qualifier 2021

By sakt_coder, 8 days ago,

Hello Codeforces!

Computer Club, MNNIT Allahabad, India is glad to invite you to the annual programming competition of MNNIT, INSOMNIA, which is an ACM-ICPC style team programming contest of 3 hours duration held on CodeChef during its annual technical fest Avishkar. The team can consist up to 3 members.

Contest Details:

Insomnia 2021 has 2 online rounds:

  • First round will be held on Codechef and will be a qualifier round.
  • Top Teams from First round will qualify for the Virtual Onsite round.

Total INR 34700/- and goodies from Cuvette and Codechef to grab. Top performers also stand a chance to interact with industry experts from Groww, India, and also get PPO and PPI opportunities.

For additional information refer to this brochure : https://bit.ly/InsomniaBrochure.

Problem setters are kesh4281, shubham732, CodenameGHOST, sakt_coder, ashu12_chi, mridul_bhatt, adyyy, swalen, nisiddharth.

Past few year's problemset: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020.

We have an exciting problemset awaiting for you. Good luck and have fun!

UPD: Contest shifted to Monday, December 20, 2021 at 21:30 IST due to clash with December Cook-off.

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