OyxgenOS 12 update halted for OnePlus 9 and 9 Pro due to bugs

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.xda-developers.com/oxygenos-12-update-halted/
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OyxgenOS 12 update halted for OnePlus 9 and 9 Pro due to bugs

OnePlus is in the middle of a messy software transition, as it works to merge its parent company’s ColorOS Android experience with its own OxygenOS software. The OnePlus 9 and 9 Pro were the first phones to undergo the transition, and the update was so buggy that OnePlus is now pausing the rollout.

OnePlus released the OxygenOS 12 update for the OnePlus 9 and 9T a few days ago, which not only contained everything found in Android 12, but also the first iteration of the ColorOS/OxygenOS merged experience. Unfortunately, the update was riddled with bugs — issues ranged from failed calls to a broken Autofill API. OxygenOS 12 also removed many long-running OxygenOS features, including status bar customization, the ability to remove the Google Feed, the call recording app, and others.

OnePlus has now confirmed to Android Police that it has stopped rolling out the OxygenOS 12 update until it fixes some of the problems. The company said, “We are aware of the issues caused by the OxygenOS 12 update and our software team is fixing them. We will suspend this software update and roll out a new iteration as soon as possible.”

Both phones had an extended beta testing period for the OxygenOS 12 update, so it’s a bit confusing why so many issues were left unaddressed — even putting aside the ColorOS-like changes that are likely working as intended. We found that performing a factory reset after the update improved the experience, even though no one should ever have to wipe their phones after a standard operating system update.

If you really want a buggy phone, the download links from our original coverage of the OxygenOS 12 update are still working, but it’s probably a good idea to stick to Android 11 until some of the issues get worked out. Alternatively, if you have a OnePlus 9, now might be a good time to look into custom ROMs (or buying a different phone altogether).

XDA » News Brief » OyxgenOS 12 update halted for OnePlus 9 and 9 Pro due to bugs

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Corbin Davenport
Corbin Davenport

Corbin is a tech journalist and software developer based in Raleigh, North Carolina. He's also the host of the Tech Tales podcast, which explores the history of the technology industry. Follow him on Twitter at @corbindavenport.

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