Top 5 data enrichment tools to get the most out of your contacts

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.arengu.com/blog/top-5-data-enrichment-tools-to-get-the-most-out-of-your-contacts
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Tired of qualifying users little by little? Either to complete and expand their profile data or to prospect new ones, there are a series of tools that will help you save a lot of time. Today we take a look at our favorite data enrichment tools and their differences.

1. Clearbit

Clearbit is a sales intelligence software that searches the web, parses millions of data-points in real time, and obtains actionable intelligence from multiple sources: web pages, social pages, legal filing, government records, SSL certificates, and more.

It turns personal emails into complete profiles, including social accounts, location, title, photo, and company details. Thanks to its APIs, the system works by hunting the web for public data, discovering ideal accounts and leads with complete contact info.

Why do we like it?

  • Time saving & Easy to use. Save significant amounts of time by reducing the amount of data to manually research. You can use it to append all of the missing data for important fields and for those that may not have been included on a form submission.
  • Data quality. Millions of data points available on the account level plus the ability to get firmographic data (company size, industry, etc.) as well as technographic data (technologies used by the companies) across your database.
  • Data refresh. Easily keep your data up to date with the refresh feature, by simply clicking a button. It is especially helpful when any lead or contact has switched roles and generally to have accurate data about your contacts in real time.

2. Apollo

Apollo is a data-first engagement platform for business teams and entrepreneurs that puts structured data in the workflow to help execute, analyze, and improve growth strategy.

It is primarily a sales and engagement platform helping companies obtain data, target and prospect customers, grow business using data intelligence, and automate workflows.

Why do we like it?

  • Smooth UX. Everything about Apollo is intuitive, powerful and scalable. The fact it combines the prospecting piece with the email chain function is great. Easy to extract emails and to connect with leads. It gives an overview of every company too.
  • Database segmentation. The best thing about Apollo is its effectiveness when segmenting databases. The filters are really helpful and definitely saves time on prospecting. It is truly a very useful tool to generate new clients.
  • Plugins and extensions. Plenty of plugins that integrate with LinkedIn and other software solutions, including a free extension, allow you to expand your search when dealing with marketing needs and flow smoothly throughout.

3. Lusha

Lusha is a lead management software designed to help businesses retrieve prospect contact details from various websites, capture lead information, engage with clients or candidates, and enhance overall conversion rates.

Update contact lists, accounts, or leads in bulk using custom rules, gain visibility into ideal customer profiles based on closed deals, and streamline lead scoring.

Why do we like it?

  • Plugins & Web browser extensions. The web-browser extension for Firefox, Google Chrome, and Edge enables you to retrieve contact details from Gmail, LinkedIn, and other platforms. It can also identify hidden phone numbers from LinkedIn profiles.
  • Admin permissions & CSV export. Administrators can receive notifications about new leads, build contact lists and export them in CSV format to make bulk uploads to any CRM tool, and allocate credit limits between team members. 
  • Support service & CRM integrations. It integrates with the most common services like Outreach, Pipedrive, Salesforce, and HubSpot quickly, so that you can import the data into them seamlessly and customer service is one of the best rated.

4. Pipl

Pipl is an online identity information company that collects, cross-references, and connects identity records from the internet and numerous exclusive sources to produce highly accurate online identities.

It is designed to help anti-fraud and investigation professionals in the insurance, eCommerce, financial services, legal, government, and law enforcement sectors locate required individuals and collect personal as well as official information to analyze associations between people. 

Why do we like it?

  • Data quality & Automations. Fantastically accurate and detailed data, impressive coverage, and an intuitive console. An API with SDKs available, which is really helpful for developing custom automations with the gathered data.
  • Online & Offline information. Collect data from various sources including the internet, directories, public records, and archives to automate fraud detection operations. Search for individuals with little to no data and check when the last verification was.
  • Identification & Investigation. The verified information that it provides is really helpful to identifying people but also to investigate them. This is the reason why it is usually used in both prospecting and recruitment processes.

5. FullContact

FullContact is a leading SaaS provider of privacy-safe identity resolution. Using its patented Identity Graph, it enables brands and marketing platforms to connect, consolidate, and enrich fragmented or incomplete offline, online, professional, and personal identifiers. 

It helps marketers and companies identify their customers and prospects, and then deliver tailored customer experiences by unifying data and applying relevant insights. It also collects contact data and information of companies, enterprises, and professionals and organizes them into a centralized location.

Why do we like it?

  • Simple & Reliable. It's quick, easy, and fairly reliable in terms of matching. It makes it super simple to get a holistic view of someone's online persona. The quality of the data they provide is verified by human beings so it's very reliable.
  • Fast API response times. The API is very easy to integrate, is well documented and very stable. Asynchronous processing via webhooks increases the matching ratio, especially useful when the use case allows waiting some minutes for the response.
  • Support & Data privacy compliance. Friendly and really well trained customer support team. They also prioritize data privacy compliance and have an industry-leading portal for respecting people's right to manage their data.

Have you tried any of them? Let us know your thoughts on our Twitter account!

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