Google Shares New Guide to User-Generated Content Considerations for Google Adve...

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/google-shares-new-guide-to-user-generated-content-considerations-for-google/611206/
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Google Shares New Guide to User-Generated Content Considerations for Google Advertisers [Infographic]

Published Dec. 8, 2021

Andrew Hutchinson Content and Social Media Manager

Google has published a new overview of Google Advertiser requirements for user-generated content, which relates to the types of UGC that advertisers need to consider on any platform where they run Google Ads.

As explained by Google:

User comments are a great way to drive discussion and engagement around articles. But if a publisher wants to run ads on pages where user comments appear, all of the content on those pages - including comments - must follow our Publisher Policies. Publishers are responsible for ensuring that comment sections, forums, social media postings or anything else that users generate on their site or app are compliant with our Program Policies. This content is also subject to our Publisher Restrictions.”

That can seem a little intimidating, but the basis of this warning is that if you run Google Ads on a website that promotes adult content, drugs, weapons, gambling, etc., then the ads that you can run will be restricted. Advertisers have the option to exclude these websites in their Google Ads setup, and if the UGC on your page could also run foul of these limitations, you could face penalties if it’s not policed.

For most, that won’t be a problem, but if you have comments enabled or an embedded social media feed, there could be issues.

Google has a range of tips on how to address this, which it outlines in this graphic.

Google UGC considerations

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