elementui 级联选择器

 2 years ago
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elementui 级联选择器

发布于 7 分钟前
  <div class="main">

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      options: [],
      props: {
        // value: "code",
        // label: "name",
        lazy: true,
        lazyLoad (node, resolve) {
          const { level } = node;
          //const level = node.level;
          const requestData = {};
          if (level === 0) {
            requestData.type = "province";
          if (level === 1) {
            requestData.type = "city";
            requestData.code = node.value;
          if (level === 2) {
            requestData.type = "area";
            requestData.code = node.value;
          getFun(requestData).then(res => {
            const data = res.data;
            if (level === 0) {
              data.forEach(item => {
                item.value = item.code;
                item.label = item.name;
            if (level === 1) {
              data.forEach(item => {
                item.value = item.code;
                item.label = item.name;
            if (level === 2) {
              data.forEach(item => {
                item.value = item.code;
                item.label = item.name;
                item.leaf = level >= 2;

            // 返回节点数据,具体看返回内容取res.data.data
  methods: {
    changeValue(value) {
      this.$emit("update:value", value.join());

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