The Importance of Visibility for Medical Entrepreneurs with Creative Businesses

 2 years ago
source link: https://ceoworld.biz/2021/12/02/the-importance-of-visibility-for-medical-entrepreneurs-with-creative-businesses/
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The Importance of Visibility for Medical Entrepreneurs with Creative Businesses

It is important for medical entrepreneurs with creative businesses to be visible, but unfortunately this is something that medical entrepreneurs struggle with. We are not used to being in the limelight and selflessly serve our patients in the highest way, the quiet light workers. But the reality is that visibility is the only thing that is going to make you stand out from the masses if you believe that your contribution and service will positively impact the broader community.

Your business is not unique, but you certainly are. The only way to cut through the clutter and noise of your competition is to make yourself visible and relevant. And by relevance, you need to have an intentional presence that changes your branding and business into a timeless essence. 

Many medical entrepreneurs still rely on traditional marketing tools from the past to get their name out there. Nevertheless, they keep forgetting a very powerful tool at their disposal, and that’s the internet. Indeed, the internet can be a great tool to get a medical entrepreneur’s name out there. Many medical entrepreneurs have adopted this strategy and are actively growing their online presence or visibility.

How can medical entrepreneurs improve their online visibility?

  1. Express yourself
    It’s about using the power of words to leverage your opportunities. It’s about expressing yourself in a way that is bigger than yourself, and more independent of your external environment because you can never control other people’s words or actions, but you can control the level of importance you give those words or actions. You can do this by creating a blog and consistently sharing content is another amazing idea to improve online visibility. This tool, when paired with correct knowledge of search engine optimization (SEO) and search keywords can efficiently help to increase online presence.
  2. PR and publicity
    You could pitch about your business and how it is scaling impact, to editors and get published in relevant magazines, you could be a guest blogger for blog sites, you could write an article for different platforms that are aligned to purpose and fit your branding, you could get interviewed in a podcast, or you could be invited to speak at workshops and conferences. Visibility results in growth of a business and growth doesn’t come from stagnation, it comes from movement so in order for any of this to happen, you need to step out of your comfort zone and actively source for opportunities that could elevate your branding.
  3. Social media
    One cannot talk about online visibility without mentioning social media. Indeed, social media platforms are possibly the best way to reach a larger target audience and spread the word about your business. If used in conjunction with the tools afore-mentioned, your business success might reach new heights in no time.
  4. Content marketing
    You need to offer incredibly valuable content that can serve your target market and resolve their concerns. If you don’t know where to start in terms of content, start by processing your authenticity and sharing parts of your story. Your struggles, your pain points, how you overcame stumbling blocks, even though all of this may be deeply personal, people see their real vulnerable selves in your experiences and can truly connect with you.

    This is where people start to take notice, when they feel they can invest in you to invest in their own happiness and success. Sharing your behind the scenes and the backend journey is actually a marketing tactic. Your connection and engagement levels will grow tremendously if you use the power of emotions to tell your brand story as your story. That’s what makes you human and very visible. Everything you achieved is not done overnight. It was done over time and there was a process you followed with trials and errors and your followers and fans genuinely want to know what makes you human or more importantly what makes you vulnerable.

As medical entrepreneurs, we build personal brand businesses, which is more important than ever. Just remember one key thing – you are the brand. In a world filled with business brutality and ruthlessness, people are looking for genuine, human connections and if you can offer it to them, they will hold onto you. Don’t be afraid to be visible.

Written by Dr. Olivia Ong.

CEOWORLD magazine - Top Stories - Chief Executive Insights - The Importance of Visibility for Medical Entrepreneurs with Creative Businesses

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