As SEO becomes more complex, it involves more considerations than SEOs enjoyed i...

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As SEO becomes more complex, it involves more considerations than SEOs enjoyed in the “ten blue links” era

The relentless pace of change in search challenges search engine optimization professionals, but tools are evolving to help.

Digital Marketing Depot on December 7, 2021 at 12:00 pm

Search Engine Optimization remains the stalwart mainstay of digital marketing, with search driving around 50% of website traffic on average, according to an analysis of SimilarWeb data by Growth Badger.

But the practice of SEO has become more complex and it involves more considerations than SEOs enjoyed in the “ten blue links” era. Today, SEO includes everything from content marketing and distribution to user experience. Even the core job of gathering and interpreting search intelligence has become more challenging as the search engines continually change their display of results and port them over to other media like voice assistants.

This doesn’t mean that the well-established SEO best practices should be cast aside, however. Keyword research, page-level analysis, backlink tracking and acquisition, and rank tracking are still of critical importance, even as the environment continues to change.

MarTech’s Enterprise SEO Platforms: A Marketer’s Guide is your source for the opportunities and challenges facing the market for SEO as seen by industry leaders, vendors and their customers. This 66-page report includes the latest trends, profiles of leading vendors, and recommended steps for evaluating and purchasing.

Visit Digital Marketing Depot to get your copy..

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Digital Marketing Depot is a resource center for digital marketing strategies and tactics. We feature hosted white papers and E-Books, original research, and webcasts on digital marketing topics -- from advertising to analytics, SEO and PPC campaign management tools to social media management software, e-commerce to e-mail marketing, and much more about internet marketing. Digital Marketing Depot is a division of Third Door Media, publisher of Search Engine Land and Marketing Land, and producer of the conference series Search Marketing Expo and MarTech. Visit us at http://digitalmarketingdepot.com.

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