PHP 8.1.0 and a new foundation

 2 years ago
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PHP 8.1.0 and a new foundation

[Posted November 28, 2021 by corbet]

Version 8.1.0 of the PHP language has been released. This release includes a number of new features, including enumerations, read-only properties, fibers, and more.

Meanwhile, a new foundation has been created to support development of PHP:

The initial purpose of the PHP Foundation is to support the development of PHP by contracting developers to work on php-src either part-time or full-time. If that sounds interesting to you, be sure to apply!

The foundation does not have any decision-making power on language changes: these remain within the sole purview of the internals mailing list and the RFC process. The fact that some work has been funded by the foundation does not imply that it will be accepted into PHP.

More information can be found in this blog entry.

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