Improve your posture with a real-time monitoring app for Mac

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/posturenet
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Improve your posture with a real-time monitoring app for Mac
  1. maxresdefault.webp
AI based real-time posture monitoring  Mac App:
1. Reminds you when you slouch (with initial setup);
2. Privacy centric: none of your data leaves your computer, works without internet.
3. Works best if the front camera is in a fixed position like an  iMac
Featured 18h ago
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Founder, instamentor.com & sqlpad.io

Hi PH community, My name is Leon Wei, and I am a machine learning developer. I sit 10+ hours a day in front of computers, and I often focus on the work too much that I forget about sitting straight. As a result, I was constantly slouching, leading to severe back pains and neck issues over the last 12 months. That's when I started working on PostureNet, an AI-based  Mac App, to monitor my posture in real-time based on machine learning and computer vision. A few nuances: 1. The  app is still being actively developed, and currently doesn't support external monitor yet; 2. The app works great if the camera is in a fixed position/angle, currently works best on  iMac.

I hope you give PostureNet a try, and please feel free to let me know what you think if you have any questions or feedback. Leon

Co Founder of Grapevine
Great idea, I will give it a try.
Founder, instamentor.com & sqlpad.io
@reuben_carter nice meeting you and thanks for checking it out, it's a fun weekend ML project for me, still in its early stage, please let me know if you have any feedback. Thanks again! 😄👋
Product Designer with IT background 💻
I love the second point as having working webcam for a long time can be a bit nerve-wracking😅 It's pretty interesting idea and it's a problem of mine as well. Do you have any intentions of creating this app for Windows and/or Linux?
Founder, instamentor.com & sqlpad.io

@make_good 👋 thanks for your great feedback 🤝. I am absolutely thinking about expanding to other non-Mac platforms.

I am currently a solo founder working on multiple projects, released a  Mac version first, and hope it's useful, before adding other platform's support.

I am thinking of expanding the app to iOS first, since a lot of code can be reused, what do you think? Do you own an iPhone or iPad 😃

Product Designer with IT background 💻
@dataleonwei Understandable! Sadly, I don't have any Apple stuff :c Maybe i will be able to ask someone to test and give you some feedback 😁 The least i can do is to check on you 😊 Again, i will try to borrow someone's stuff to check your app! ✨
Founder, instamentor.com & sqlpad.io
@make_good ha, no worries, really appreciate your kind words and willingness to help a fellow maker. 🙏🏼😁
Founder of testimonial.to
Seems very useful for work-from-homers ✌️
Founder, instamentor.com & sqlpad.io
@xianmingchen thanks Damon! Been using it myself and dogfooding it in the last few months. Hope it will be useful for more people other than just myself.
Software Developer
Great product. Are you planning to support external monitor?
Founder, instamentor.com & sqlpad.io
@aashish_vikram_singh 👋🙏🏼 thanks for checking it out, yes, the external monitor's camera feed will be supported in the next  Mac AppStore release. Stay tuned.  😄
Founder, instamentor.com & sqlpad.io
@ankit_roy 👋🙏🏼 Thanks, hope the app will be helpful for more work from home folks.
World peace
Great idea and love the simple UI. Look forward to external monitor support.
Founder, instamentor.com & sqlpad.io
@zhoujli Thanks Joe 🙏🏼, adding external monitor support is my #1 priority. Back to work now haha. 😄
Crypto enthusiast.
Interesting idea! Love it.
Founder, instamentor.com & sqlpad.io
@cecilia_li1 thanks for checking it out. 🙏🏼😃
Level up your SaaS with swipe.page
Wow this seems actually very useful. I’m just afraid it’ll notify me every second due to my terrible posture 😆 eager to try it!
Founder, instamentor.com & sqlpad.io
@cogentgene Thanks Gene, haha, I am already trained myself like Pavlov's dog, every time I tend to slouch I was worried there will be an alert, lol.
Level up your SaaS with swipe.page
Cofounder @ BitsForDigits | Ex-BlackRock
Congrats on the product launch team! Looks awesome.
Founder, instamentor.com & sqlpad.io
@lauritsjb thanks for checking it out, much appreciated your kind words and encouragement. It's still a very early stage, but I will keep improving it.  🙏🏼😄

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