Microsoft Starts Rolling Out the New Your Phone App

 2 years ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/microsoft-starts-rolling-out-the-new-your-phone-app-534429.shtml
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And this is inspired by Windows 11, of course

Microsoft has started the rollout of the new Your Phone app, and just as expected, it’s inspired by Windows 11, therefore coming with a much more modern look.

As you can see in the screenshot here, the design of the Your Phone app has been updated to put the focus on the most important things, so you now get a much clearer view of notifications.

Furthermore, it’s easier to access messages, photos, apps, and calls, and overall, everything is more straightforward if you want to quickly control your Android device.

The feed-like notification center is a feature that totally comes in handy, especially because it includes options to quickly reply to a message without having to open another window or go to a different menu.

Only available for select insiders

Inspired by Windows 11, the new Your Phone app is now rolling out to users who are enrolled in the Windows Insider program, though worth knowing is the whole thing is happening in stages. In other words, not all insiders can try out the app right now, with Microsoft saying it’s monitoring the feedback it receives and then expand the rollout to more users.

“The Your Phone app is evolving with an updated design that puts notifications at the center. Keep your phone in your pocket while staying on top of your life. The Your Phone app brings you an organized feed of your real-time notifications across all your most used apps,” the company explains.

“In this new view, you’ll always have access to your messages, calls, and photos with the added benefit to stay on top of important messages and other notifications more efficiently with this glanceable view. The app also adopts the beauty of Windows 11 design to tie together your seamless experience on your Windows desktop.”

There’s no ETA as to when the new Your Phone app could land in the hands of non-insiders.

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