Nodejs Codebase Question - packages, submodules, services

 2 years ago
source link: https://dev.to/florinrelea/nodejs-codebase-question-packages-submodules-services-283g
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Florin Relea

Posted on Nov 25

Nodejs Codebase Question - packages, submodules, services

This is how a part of my codebase looks like:

Those are the problems that I encountered while using this type of codebase:

  • The packages are changed pretty often and the publish / install process is a slow process
  • If I don't make sure that the database models package version is the same across all packages, I end up with 2 versions of the database models package which throw the following error: Cannot overwrite model once compiled

Possible solutions

I've been thinking about migrating to a monolithic application but I am not really sure.

Another possible solution would be to use git submodules but this has downsides as well.

Is there a better way of handling this system? What do you think?

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