Working on a side project? How much progress did you make this week?

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/discussions/working-on-a-side-project-how-much-progress-did-you-make-this-week?ref=hpfeed
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Working on a side project? How much progress did you make this week?
Working on a side project? How much progress did you make this week?
Sharath Kuruganty
1d ago
17 replies
Very little because main work took so much time! :) I work better collaboratively on the side and my recent side projects have been either solo endeavors or pure advisory things where I'm too much on the outside to move the dial significantly.
Engineer, Product, athlete, indie hacker
Started a new YouTube channel around finance for humans. Made the first video. Feeling good.
Engineer. Entrepreneur.

I made good progress Sharath. Finished the first draft of my blog... Gathered feedback. Took some time to relax and do other things. Next week is about Version 2 of theintentional.xyz


Tech, drums, doggies, coffee by the kilo

Not exactly a side project since it's my main project. But I don't have another job, if that's what having a side project means.

Anyway, I made very little progress this week. Was on the road most of the week and today I've been taking it easy.

Added a major new feature to the App, created a quick demo of it and wrote a couple of articles on medium

Here is a short video demonstrating one of the capabilities of the new feature implemented this week. Plan on making more videos over the weekend demonstrating the full capabilities of the new feature


Fixed a ton of bugs on my live streaming saas, but still have some smaller bugs and also working on adding webRTC atm. Overall a mediocrely productive week :/
Front-end Developer

I was working on a side project and this week I have scheduled it to launch on 20 Nov. It will be live at 12:01 am PST.

The project is this,


We are a Shopify Expert.
I was working on a side project and I have published it on Shopify app store, this that app: https://apps.shopify.com/sales-s...
I'm just humble sweet person friendly
not as much on this week
Founder of NextHuman
Spend about 25 hours this week and wrote 3/8 of the content required for launch. Rejected two freelance projects because love the new project too much.
Freelance Full-stack Developer
Thinking to start a project, but didn't know about the idea 😅
Co-founder & CEO @ Plantt.io
Launched private beta. started testing validate the product with potential users ✨
Building random stuff :)

Reviving this side project I did 3 years ago, super excited about it! So many learnings from the mistakes we made last time!

Getting started on Canva to build out the marketing materials this weekend :)

Online entrepreneur
This week almost none, because I was busy with another side project.

About Joyk

Aggregate valuable and interesting links.
Joyk means Joy of geeK