What’s new for C++ cross-platform developers in Visual Studio 2022

 2 years ago
source link: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/cppblog/whats-new-for-c-cross-platform-developers-in-visual-studio-2022/?WT_mc_id=DOP-MVP-4025064
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What’s new for C++ cross-platform developers in Visual Studio 2022


November 18th, 2021

Visual Studio 2022 is available now! Check out the video below to learn what’s new for C++ developers who are building for more than just Windows, or who are developing with an eye to open source. This video covers: 

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Have questions or comments about Visual Studio 2022? Want to share feedback with our team? You can contact us at [email protected] or on Twitter (@VisualC). The best way to file a bug or suggest a feature is with the Send Feedback button in the upper right-hand corner of the IDE. See How to report a problem with Visual Studio or Visual Studio Installer for more information.  

Erika Sweet

Program Manager II, C++ Team


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