The Best Mobile Banking Apps in 2021

 2 years ago
source link: https://fintechranking.com/2021/11/16/the-best-mobile-banking-apps-in-2021/
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The Best Mobile Banking Apps in 2021

Mobile banking apps have made tremendous strides in recent years. Things we consider simple such as mobile check deposits used to be a big a deal. Consumers today just expect such features to automatically be a part of any app along with money transfers, bill pay and ATM locators. 

Banking apps have become extremely advanced in the fact that you can now even track your accounts from different financial organisations. While some also offer built-in financial wellness and budgeting platforms. If you are unsure which is right for you – speak to any trusted IT Managed Services Company and see what they recommend for their Banking Clients. Baking apps hold the power to turn your mobile device into a digital wallet. Below is a list of a few of the best mobile banking apps on the market. 

Capital One

In 2021 Capital One’s mobile banking app ranked third highest in customer satisfaction among mobile banking apps. They received an Apple App Store rating of 4.7/5 and a Google Play Store Rating of 4.5/5. 

The hype around Capital One’s mobile banking app is understandable because they have loads of functionalities. Some of their features include being able to view all of your accounts which include home and auto loans. You are also able to monitor your credit score and redeem credit card rewards. 

Safety is also prioritised by Capital One, if you lose or misplace your card you can simple just lock it via your phone. You can also keep track of any purchases and credit history should this occur, and you realised a bit late. 

Wells Fargo

Wells Fargo is another app that has gained tremendous recognition as they offer more than just your basic checking and savings accounts. Their platform lets you invest in securities like stocks and mutual funds. When looking at Outsourced IT Support Services and their financial clients, they recommends this app a lot. You can easily open orders for your Wells Fargo Advisors and Wells Trade accounts. 

When making investments you’ll never feel alone, they offer real time quotes, market data and graphics to help make your decision process easier. A great feature that sets Wells Fargo aside from their competition is their card-less ATM option. This means that you never need to carry your card with you when trying to access an ATM. 


Chime is relatively new and entered the market as an online-only banking organisation. They have introduced a brilliant mobile banking app that has received a rating of 4.8/5 from the Apple App Store and a 4.6/5 rating from the Google Play Store. 

The app looks spontaneous, but it is way more than just a great looking app. It provides users with one of the best user experiences of any app. Many Managed IT Support Services Providers love this app. Chime’s features include daily balancer alerts, real time transaction notifications and it allows you access to your direct deposit up to two days early. 


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