Obituary: ZX Spectrum developer Bernie Drummond has died

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.gamedeveloper.com/design/obituary-zx-spectrum-developer-Bernie-Drummond-has-died
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Obituary: ZX Spectrum developer Bernie Drummond has died

Drummond is most remembered for his work on Head Over Heels, but also designed the Batman ZX Spectrum game.
A screenshot of Head Over Heels
Image via Mobygames

Bernie Drummond, game designer behind a number of beloved 3D adventure titles for the ZX Spectrum computer, has died.

Word of Drummond's passing has been passing through social media, with colleague Jason Clark apparently sharing the news in a closed Facebook group for the ZX Spectrum-loving community. "He was my local mate - didn't age much from his 80s photos and we had many a beer over the games and stories," Clark apparently wrote.

Drummond's passing was mourned by fans who grew up with the games he made, which included adventure titles like Head Over HeelsMatch Day II, and a Batman game. 

In 2016, Drummond spoke to Eurogamer about the creative process behind games like Head Over Heels, explaining that he and collaborator Jon Ritman had a lot of trust for each other's instincts and partnered to create some incredibly unique games. "The graphics were created using a well-tried and tested technique," Drummond joked at the time. 

"In short I'd just draw, letting my imagination fly. Any images that looked good, fit a purpose, or inspired more puzzles and graphics, were kept."

Drummond is also credited as a programmer on those titles.

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