Google Search now trolls you when it can't find what you're looking for

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.androidpolice.com/google-search-now-trolls-you-when-it-cant-find-what-youre-looking-for/
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Google Search now trolls you when it can't find what you're looking for

By Taylor Kerns

Published 4 hours ago

But in a nice way

Google's always putting fun little touches in its products, and probably none more so than Search. With useless but fun flourishes like commanding your search results to do a Star Fox-style barrel roll or even dance the Cha Cha Slide, it's a suprisingly easy place to waste time. Yet another new easter egg seems to be rolling out now, but it's one you shouldn't often see if Google does its job right.

Now, when you search for something Google can't surface any results for, you'll see a cute little ice fishing troll. If you click it, it'll pull one of several objects up out of the water, react to it, then toss it into a waiting bucket. This was spotted by Android Police founder and wearer-of-many-hats emeritus Artem:

🎣 🎣 🎣
🐟 👞 🥫 pic.twitter.com/hnth2AHX0T

— Artem Russakovskii (@ArtemR) November 15, 2021

It doesn't look like the easter egg is widely available just yet; I can't trigger it, and I'm not the only one at AP. But it's a safe bet you'll be seeing this guy sooner than later — assuming you can stump Google, anyway.

About The Author


Taylor Kerns (1085 Articles Published)

Taylor was a phone nerd long before joining Android Police in 2018. He currently carries a Pixel 5, which he uses mostly to take pictures of his dogs.

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