‘I Want to Educate Why Cookies Are Totally F*cked’: HackerNoon Contributer Alex...

 2 years ago
source link: https://hackernoon.com/i-want-to-educate-why-cookies-are-totally-fcked-hackernoon-contributer-alex-paden
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This story is a part of Hacker Noon's Meet the Writer series of interviews. The series is intended for tech professionals contributing the most insightful Hacker Noon stories to share more about their writing habits, ideas, and professional background (and maybe a hobby or two). If you too would like to start contributing to Hacker Noon, you can do so here.

So let’s start! Tell us a bit about yourself. For example, name, profession, and personal interests.

I am Alex. I am currently interested in digital identity, which I’ve renamed online identity.

My first job was dishwashing. The second was car cleaner/sales.

My third work is running a startup.

My hobbies include gaming, race car driving, and business in for the most part that order.

I want to rebuild my childhood favorite game “Yoville/Yoworld” in my own light. Including NFT items and an avatar-based internet profile. As for why I find this game special, there are two reasons: social & economic.

Yoville, like Facebook, is a “social network” of accounts separate from the game that display user information.

When I try to buy gold on Yoville (buy/sell currency is something I require in a game), the players get mad at me for not buying at 10x rates from the company.

Interesting! What was your latest Hackernoon Top story about?

It was on quitting my company and building digital identities!

Do you usually write on similar topics? If not, what do you usually write about?

No, but if you appreciate me, I’ll probably write more 🥺

Great! What is your usual writing routine like (if you have one?)

Write and then have my friends tell me why it’s terrible because they actually know how to structure a story, and I just know how to throw words :P

Being a writer in tech can be a challenge. It’s not often our main role, but an addition to another one. What is the biggest challenge you have when it comes to writing?

IRL I am a firm believer in using the language of the people. On the internet, I probably won’t define my acronyms for you.

What is the next thing you hope to achieve in your career?

Lol - I just had my first interview in tech. I hope to get a job :)

Wow, that’s admirable. Now, something more casual: What is your guilty pleasure of choice?

I love the sh*t out of rap music. My most favorite artist is Mac Miller.

Do you have a non-tech-related hobby? If yes, what is it?

Not anymore! Lol. I just sit like a hermit in my office atm which is ironic because I moved to the outdoor capital of the country @Boulder, CO.

What can the Hacker Noon community expect to read from you next?

I want to educate why cookies are totally f*cked and the cool things that happen if you give power to the consumer instead of a company when utilizing cookies.

Thanks for taking time to join our “Meet the writer” series. It was a pleasure. Do you have any closing words?

I am moving back to the bay next summer if anyone wants to be friends :3

About Joyk

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Joyk means Joy of geeK