7 WordPress plugins to generate Sitemap on your website

 2 years ago
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Posted on Nov 4

• Originally published at codewatchers.com

7 WordPress plugins to generate Sitemap on your website

If you are an internet enthusiast or want to create a website, you may have heard of the sitemap; this protocol set up by Google to facilitate the monitoring of websites. But if you don't actually know what it is for and how to use it, then you've come to the right place. Together, we'll see what it is, how it can help you, and especially how to add this feature to your WordPress site.

What is a sitemap?

A sitemap is a file that lists all the URLs (addresses) of your website. This map of your site, accessible to your users, can also help search engine robots obtain information about the structure of your content, while speeding up the indexing of your site.

Today, search engine bots are able to visit your site on their own, browsing through your internal links. To put it simply, during the indexing phase, robots store your content in a database, before it is returned to Internet users via the search results. It should be noted that a sitemap is an XML file, and therefore you can update it regularly. And while it all sounds pretty complicated, it's pretty straightforward to add this functionality to your website, especially with WordPress plugins. We are going to see some of them here.

The best WordPress plugins to add a sitemap to your site

1. Simple Sitemap

Simple Sitemap is another free plugin for generating Sitemaps on WordPress. It is very popular, especially because it offers the possibility of generating and previewing a sitemap directly in the text editor. Practice is not it!

Additionally, it supports multiple sitemaps per page.

Simple Sitemap offers beautiful 100% CSS sitemap tabs (no JavaScript). You have the option of choosing between standard or tabbed layouts. No need for coding knowledge to be able to use it.




Read The Full Tutorial.

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