iPhone X with USB-C port hits eBay with bids at over $85,000

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.cultofmac.com/757753/iphone-usb-c-hits-ebay/
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iPhone X with USB-C port hits eBay with bids at over $85,000

iPhone with USB-C hits eBayWill you be placing a bid?
Screenshot: Cult of Mac

Remember the iPhone X that was modded to use a USB-C port? The robotics engineer who created it this week listed the device on eBay, and it has already racked up more than 140 bids to reach an eye-watering $85,550.

The auction, which includes a 30-minute phone call with seller Ken Pillonel, still has seven days left to run. But Pillonel asks bidders not to restore or update the device — or even use it as their daily driver.

‘World’s first USB-C iPhone’ goes on sale

A video posted back in October revealed that Pillonel had finally cracked his USB-C mod for iPhone X after many months of hard work, which required the reverse engineering of Apple’s custom C94 connector.

Pillonel also had to create his own flexible circuit board to get the hack up and running — and to ensure that it would fit inside iPhone X’s slender form factor. But the end result was a perfectly working iPhone with USB-C connectivity.

The port doesn’t just work for charging, but data transfer, too. And it seems plenty of iPhone fans are keen to get their hands on the modded device, with Pillonel set to earn a fortune from his eBay listing.

Bids exceed $85,000

With seven days of the auction still left to run, it has already seen more than 140 bids, and its price now sits at $85,550. But before placing a bid, potential buyers must agree to a rather strict list of terms set by the seller.

Pillonel says that by bidding on the auction, buyers agree that they:

  • Will not restore, update, or erase the iPhone
  • Will not use the iPhone as their daily phone
  • Will not open the device

“I guarantee that the phone will work when you receive it,” Pillonel wrote, “but if you don’t follow the aforementioned guidelines you are on your own. “Don’t expect anything from me if you break something. It is just a prototype.”

Take note, Apple

The sale includes the iPhone itself — a black, 64GB model — as well as its box and free shipping anywhere in the world. Pillonel also offers a 30-minute phone call with himself to answer any questions.

You may think it’s pretty crazy that someone would spend $85,000+ on a used iPhone just because it has a USB-C port — and you would be right. But that’s how much some iPhone users want a USB-C port.

Take note, Apple.

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