Working with Nulls in C#

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.pluralsight.com/courses/working-nulls-c-sharp?clickid=1pJWXCzfIxyITC3RYd0DF251UkG0JV0vVWk6Wk0&irgwc=1&mpid=1392775&aid=7010a000001xAKZAA2&utm_campaign=1392775
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Working with Nulls in C#___


Making use of an object when it is not supposed to be null can result in unexpected exceptions that can cause your program to crash. These unexpected null related errors may cause data loss or corruption, system downtime, and unhappy users. In this course, Working with Nulls in C#, you’ll gain the ability to reduce the likelihood of getting null related exceptions in production. First, you’ll explore which objects can be set to null and how to check for null values. Next, you’ll discover a design pattern to help eliminate null related exceptions. Finally, you’ll learn how to opt-in to the ability to create non-nullable reference types that enable the compiler to detect null-related problems before you even run your application. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of nulls in C# needed to reduce null related errors in your production code.

Section Introduction Transcripts

Course Overview
Hi everyone. My name's Jason Roberts, and welcome to my course, Working with Nulls in C#. I'm a freelance developer and author. Unexpected null values and NullReferenceExceptions can be a constant source of bugs resulting in wasted development time and out‑of‑hours support callouts. C# does, however, provide many different ways to help prevent applications from crashing due to these null‑related exceptions. In this course we're going to learn how to greatly reduce the likelihood of getting null‑related errors in production by making use of these features. Some of the major topics that we'll cover include the difference between reference, value, and nullable value types; the different C# operators we can use to make working with nulls easier; a design pattern that we can use to help eliminate null reference exceptions; and how we can create reference types that can't accidentally be set to null. By the end of this course, you'll know how to use the different features of C# to reduce null‑related errors in your code. Before beginning the course, you should be familiar with basic C# syntax. I hope you'll join me on this journey to learn C# with the Working with Nulls in C# course, at Pluralsight.

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