8 Recommended Books for Better Programmer by DZone - DZone Open Source

 2 years ago
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Top 8 Recommended Books To Become a Better Programmer

This article contains a series of top 8 recommended books to improve your programming skills. Each book is an addition to a developer's skills and an interesting read. From concurrency, design patterns, refactoring, and microservices this list covers it all.

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DZone is an ever-growing community of authors from various technical fields having a wide range of skill-sets, sharing their knowledge with the rest of the development community. 

We asked our DZone Core community members to recommend books they swear helped them up-skill or improvise in their work. We received a list of awesome books that are not only helpful but an interesting read.

Programming, architecture, design patterns, all are included in this list so stay tuned till the end and get exciting additions to your library.

Note: DZone may make a commission on any books purchased through the links below.

Read these books to become a better programmer:

Java Concurrency in Practice

Multitasking is a huge part of our lives. We have moved on from waiting for a task to complete on our phones before moving to the next application. Concurrency plays a huge role in the functioning of any fast and efficient software. This book was published in 2006 based on Java 1.5. Even after significant updates in Java with advanced features updated bi-yearly, 'Java Concurrency in Practice' stays a good model to learn concurrent programming. One of our authors covered the relevance of this book in an interesting article.

Clean Code by Robert Martin

Being able to write code isn't enough to become a skilled programmer. Being able to read code and then write readable code is as important as knowing how to code. This book covers how to identify badly written code, transform it to good code and then continue coding efficiently. It is a recommended book for beginners and experienced professionals alike.

Refactoring by Martin Fowler

The ever-evolving world of programming demands frequent updates in already added functionality to make it better. Refactoring has become a common occurrence in the coding world. Even a small change can lead to a cascade of errors and unexpected behavior. This book covers the world of Refactoring and effectively reconstructing services to achieve a simpler mutable code base. Avoid common mistakes and understand the Agile world of new requirements better.

The Pragmatic Programmer

Being pragmatic is dealing with things realistically rather than theoretically. The Pragmatic Programmer has been a guide recommended to beginners in the programming world and university courses as a part of learning. For decades this book has helped produce skilled developers. With the help of realistic, fun, and easy to understand analogies ranging from coding, debugging to testing, this book will keep you hooked till the end.

Introduction to Algorithms

Algorithms are an important aspect of the programming paradigm. From organizations like Google and Amazon to any basic sorting technique use algorithms to achieve complex tasks. Get into the world of Algorithms and hone your logical skills. Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas H. Cormen covers multiple types of algorithms that include dynamic and greedy algorithms. Learn through exercises and problems that help in applying logical skills. Add to your algorithmic skills today.

Programming in Scala Fifth Edition

Scala has gained popularity in recent years as it supports both object-oriented and functional programming. The fifth edition of Programming in Scala is a complete rewrite of the previous editions. With new concepts and a detailed introduction to Scala, this book will help you in getting started with and mastering Scala programming. 

Design Pattern (Gang of Four)

Design patterns enable code reusability and allow developers to implement and reuse complex components hence reducing code size and space. Gang of Four Design Patterns include Creational, Structural, and Behavioural design patterns. Design patterns are a part of every organization and often a part of interview processes. In-depth knowledge of various design patterns helps developers fully utilize features available for different programming languages.

Microservices Patterns: With Examples in Java

Microservices are everywhere now. Many organizations are switching from monolithic to microservice patterns using Java programming language. This book goes into detail about Microservice architecture. Examples are added in Java that help developers understand and easily implement microservices efficiently. Use this book to create production-ready applications.

Closing Thoughts

As technology evolves with advancements introduced frequently, it is important to stay up to date with the latest developments and get in-depth knowledge about your area of work. Books are the best resources to achieve this as they cover all technicalities that stay relevant for years to come.

Huge thanks to our core members Bartek Żyliński, Tyler Hawkins, Allan Kelly, and Boris Zaikin for the recommendations.

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