PHP 5.4 Alpha 1

 2 years ago
source link: http://schlueters.de/blog/archives/158-PHP-5.4-Alpha-1.html
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PHP 5.4 Alpha 1Johannes Schlüter
This post is archived and probably outdated.

PHP 5.4 Alpha 1

2011-07-02 02:23:00

Recently PHP 5.4.0 Alpha 1 was released and the PHP development team is asking every PHP user to test it. In this blog I have some articles about upcoming features in that version. Now is a good time to test 5.4 in combination with your applications spot mistakes (complain now if we break compatibility, now we could fix it ...) and a good time to prepare your knowledge.

These are the articles I published here:

I also have articles on a feature which does not make that release:

I plan to continue that series, focusing on things which might be overseen easily. It's a bit time till 5.4 will be released as GA but the more you test it and give feedback the better it will be! :-)

Copyright © Johannes Schlüter

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