Don't Worry Be Happy

 2 years ago
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Don't Worry Be Happy
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Don't Worry Be Happy

When I was first learning Haskell it was emphasized to me via blog posts, books, and conversations how wonderful Haskell is for language design. One of the major points in favor of this was parser combinators.

parser combinators are a beautiful example of the powers of abstraction and compositionality inherent in Haskell's design.

newtype Parser a = Parser { runParser :: String -> Maybe (String, a) }

This simple type signature gives rise to a hierarchy of typeclass instances and combinators that grant us an eDSL for compositionally building up parsing subroutines.

But despite their elegant design, parser combinators have a dark secret. It is really hard to scale them up to a feature rich language.

They do nothing to help with left recursion, they do not easily correlate to a BNF grammar, you get no warnings about ambiguity, and it is difficult to control operator precedence. At the end of the day, they are simply too powerful.

Liberties constrain, constraints liberate.

But this blog post isn't really about parser combinators. It is about another powerful tool the in Haskell arsenal. A tool that does not get much attention, but which is used in GHC itself in place of parser combinators.

The challenges of left recursion and ambiguity

Imagine we wanted to parse a basic arithmetic language with addition, negation, and multiplication of integers. We want infix operators and parenthesis to set operator precedence.

Using a Megaparsec, we might construct the following parser:

data Expr =
    Num Int
  | Add Expr Expr
  | Negate Expr
  | Multiply Expr Expr

parens :: Parser a -> Parser a
parens p = between (char '(') (char ')') p <* space

parseInt :: Parser Expr
parseInt = (Num <$> some digitChar) <* space

parseNegate :: Parser Expr
parseNegate = do
  char '-'
  Negate <$> parseExpr

parseAdd :: Parser Expr
parseAdd = do
  t1 <- parseExpr
  char '+'
  t2 <- parseExpr
  pure (Add t1 t2)

parseMult :: Parser Expr
parseMult = do
  t1 <- parseExpr
  char '*'
  t2 <- parseExpr
  pure (Multiply t1 t2)

parseExpr :: Parser Expr
parseExpr =
  parseInt <|> parseNegate <|> parseAdd <|> parseMult <|> parens parseExpr

This looks really nice and uses all our familiar monadic and applicative combinators. Other then having to pepper the parsers with space, it is fairly clean and we can reasonably infer the intended grammer from the functions. However, it has one big problem.

It doesn't actually work as it.

The precedence of subparsers in parseExpr is wrong so it will exit early on an Int, and the parens parsing fails due to left recursion.

We can try to fix the parser precedence by changing the order of the alternatives in parseExpr:

parseExpr :: Parser Expr
parseExpr =
  parseNegate <|> parseAdd <|> parseMult <|> parseInt <|> parens parseExpr

But now all input fails on left recursion. Oops!

We can fix the left recursion using a special Operator type, or by using clever tricks. But there is no way to perform static analysis on this parser and identify these sorts of issues. We have to run the code and see the error. This means creating an elaborate test suite to try to ensure your parser doesn't crash.

But in order to ensure test coverage, you need to define the formal grammar for your language. So now we have to write a parser, a grammar, and a test suite all independently.

Simplifying the problem

Lexical analysis is the process of converting a sequence of characters into a sequence of tokens called lexemes. Lexemes typically will form a regular language which means that their grammar rules can be defined by regular expressions (regex). As such, it is trivial to recognize a regular language in one sequential scan of a string.

A parser on the other hand recognizes a context-free language. Context-Free Languages are a superset of Regular Languages and so we can use a parser to perform lexical analysis, however it is overpowered for the job.

Typically when using parser combinators we perform lexical analysis while parsing the input stream. There are arguments in favor of this approach but in my experience the parsing experience is greatly simplified by factoring out the more trivial lexical analysis.

Libraries such as MegaParsec offer tools to integrate your own lexer.

Introducing Happy

Happy is a LALR Parser Generator library, which we can think of as a compiler from some high-level description of a grammar into an efficient parser. As it is a compiler, it can do a lot of static analysis on the grammar we have provided it, which solves a lot of the aforementioned issues.

To build a parser, we must provide Happy with a formal grammar consisting of a set of Production Rules mapping Terminal and Non-Terminal symbols to terms in our AST.

The Production Rules are essentially a set of recursive substition rules which are applied to the lexeme stream input to the parser. Terminal symbols are the base cases and Non-Terminal symbols are the recursive cases.

When a lexeme, or a series of lexemes, match a production rule a series of recursive substitutions are applied until we land on a Terminal symbol.

If the lexeme stream to the parser matches the Production Rules then the stream is considered valid in the language and you output a parse tree. If not, then you output a parse error.

A picture paints a thousand words. Lets construct a parser for the same arithmetic language:

data Expr =
    Num Int
  | Add Expr Expr
  | Negate Expr
  | Multiply Expr Expr

First we declare our parser and specify our initial symbol:

%name parser expr

The initial symbol is the first production rule to be applied to the token stream and is essentially the entry point into the parsing automaton.

Next we declare our terminal symbols and their corresponding lexemes:


'+' { L.Plus }
'-' { L.Negate }
'*' { L.Multiply }
'(' { L.OpenParen }
')' { L.CloseParen }
int { L.Num $$ }

%left '+' '*' '-'

On the left are the terminal symbols and on the right within curly brackets are the corresponding lexemes that map to them. The $$ is a placeholder that allows us to pick out a specific part of the lexeme to correlate with the terminal symbol.

The %left declaration informs Happy that those symbols are correlated with left recursion. LALR parsers completely eliminate the need for special handling of left recursion.

For reference, here is the lexeme datatype that corresponds to this token declaration:

data Token
  = Num Int
  | Plus
  | Negate
  | Multiply
  | Divide
  | OpenParen
  | CloseParen

Note: This type would be defined in the lexer which generates the token stream we pass into our Parser. I am omitting the lexer in this example, but in later posts I will be introducing Alex and using.

Next we must define the Production Rules for Non-Terminal Symbols. These take the form:

n   : t_1 ... t_n   { E1 }
    | s_1 ... s_n   { E2 }

Where n is a non-terminal symbol and to the right of the colon is a set of one or more possible expansions of n seperated by symbols. E1 and E2 are bits of Haskell code.

When the symbols t_1 ... t_n are found in the token stream we construct the symbol N and give it the value E1.

The parser recursively applies production rules to the input until the input stream has been consumed and a parse tree has been constructed.

For our arithmetic language the production rules will be:

  : int           { Num $1 }
  | expr '+' expr { Add $1 $3 }
  | expr '*' expr { Multiply $1 $3 }
  | '-' expr      { Negate $2 }
  | '(' expr ')'  { $2 }

We then use Happy to generate a haskell module containing our parser. Assuming we have a lexer :: String -> [Token] we can run our parser in the repl and try it out:

> parser $ lexer "1"
Num 1
> parser $ lexer "1 + 2"
Add (Num 1) (Num 2)
> parser $ lexer "1 + 2 * -3"
Multiply (Add (Num 1) (Num 2)) (Negate (Num 3))

Oops we forgot to handle operator precedence! If we break up our production rules a bit then we can establish precedence in the grammar:

  : expr '+' expr1 { Add $1 $3 }
  | expr1 { $1 }

  : expr1 '*' expr2 { Multiply $1  $3 }
  | expr2 { $1 }

  : int { Num $1 }
  | '-' expr2 { Negate $2 }
  | '(' expr ')' { $2 }
> parser $ lexer "1 + 2 * -3"
Add (Num 1) (Multiply (Num 2) (Negate (Num 3)))
> parser $ lexer "(1 + 2) * -3"
Multiply (Add (Num 1) (Num 2)) (Negate (Num 3))

A complete working example of this parser with an associated lexer is available here. I'll be adding more parsers to this repo as I write out the rest of this series. My intention is to incrementally build up to a parser for a lambda calulus which includes nice error handling span generation all using Happy and Alex.

I started off this blog post being somewhat critical of parser combinators, but I would like to clarify now that I am not strictly opposed to them, I think they are one of many tools available to us. Parser generators offer another powerful tool which often doesn't get the attention they deserve in the Haskell community.

PS: In my last blog post I promised a brief introduction to Freer, how it works, and how it further expands our ability to perform algebraic effects. I haven't forgotten and I intend to write that up soon.

About Joyk

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Joyk means Joy of geeK