
 2 years ago
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Bringing VS Code to the browser
Now when you go to https://vscode.dev, you'll be presented with a lightweight version of VS Code running fully in the browser. Open a folder on your local machine and start coding.

No install required.
Featured 10h ago
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Community @ Product Hunt

Developers of the World Wide Web,

Check this out: VS Code in Browser 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯

This quote by @chrisdias aptly summarizes the vision behind VSCode.

"Bringing VS Code to the browser is the realization of the original vision for the product. It is also the start of a completely new one. An ephemeral editor that is available to anyone with a browser and an internet connection is the foundation for a future where we can truly edit anything from anywhere."

Read the complete blog here: https://code.visualstudio.com/bl...

Product Enthusiast
Wow this is awesome! VS Code on a browser, on a remote repo? thats the dream.
Community @ Product Hunt
@daryllman it was due for such a long time 😭
🔥 Taking products from good to great
Yessss! Gonna try this right now
i just a guy who love about code.
Former dev, now product manager

I used the docker image for VS Code, I used the release te client via SSH, but I guess this one is yet another use case.

I understand that it actually takes resources from the machine browsing it, am I right? Like I can use my phone or other non desktop OS devices?

Edit: while looking at it, kind of obvious would be option to keep accounts/preferences and integration with desktop versions of it (i.e. via GitHub repo).

Dev @ Nightfall.ai
This looks cool!
Engineer student at ENSAJ. Web Developer
cool. I love it!
I know who i am.
I've tried this and it is simply awesome.
Just a Dev & Tech Lover.
This tool allows me to write code anywhere, anytime, as long as I have a browser. Cool.

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Joyk means Joy of geeK