Is it possible to modify my code from Visual Studio Online (VS Team Services)?

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.codesd.com/item/is-it-possible-to-modify-my-code-from-visual-studio-online-vs-team-services.html
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Is it possible to modify my code from Visual Studio Online (VS Team Services)?


I have Visual Studio Online (now VS Team Services) account as a part of my MSDN subscription. I managed to create a project there, set a workspace in my local Visual Studio 2013 and check-in some test code. I was wondering if it is also possible to edit code using the web interface instead of local VS?

Here's a screenshot for you who have not discovered this tool yet.


The Visual Studio Monaco editing experience is currently available on a number of Azure Websites. A quick introduction and getting started can be found on Channel9:


Especially the "First Steps" video walks you through the steps of setting this up:


This is (not yet) available for non-azure website projects, but this is where things are heading without a doubt. I can't wait to get my hands on it.

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