Twitter Adds Custom Headline and Landing Page Options for Carousel Ads, Previews...

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/twitter-adds-custom-headline-and-landing-page-options-for-carousel-ads-pre/608107/
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Twitter Adds Custom Headline and Landing Page Options for Carousel Ads, Previews Coming Ad Updates

Published Oct. 12, 2021
Andrew Hutchinson Content and Social Media Manager

Twitter has announced an update to its Carousel Ad format, while it’s also previewed some coming ad measurement and reach options as part of an overview of how it’s adapting to new changes to internet privacy, and ad targeting capacity as a result.

The main update is a new option to add custom headlines and landing pages into each frame of your Carousel Ads, which will provide more options to build responsive ads for variable audiences within one campaign.

Twitter Carousel Ad update

As explained by Twitter:

With Multi-Destination Carousels, advertisers can now customize headlines and landing pages to help drive the right actions for their audiences. Advertisers will have greater flexibility to diversify their message with unique headlines and URLs per Carousel Card. With just a swipe, people can engage with multiple images or videos, and click through to land on different destinations.”

That’ll provide more capacity to utilize different ad creative within a single campaign, highlighting specific features or use-cases to help broaden appeal. It could also help in your targeting segmentation, with each click highlighting the specific elements of interest for each user, helping to categorize responses.

Twitter says that it’s been testing the new option for the past few months, with beta advertisers seeing a 25% lift in click-through rates, on average, for campaigns that optimize for site visit conversions (relative to single-asset ads).

In addition to this, Twitter’s also planning to provide more options to help maximize your Website Clicks ad campaigns including:

  • Site Visit Optimization, an improved buying model dedicated to finding and serving ads to audiences most likely to visit an advertiser’s website.
  • Ad formats, identifying opportunities to improve ad engagement on Twitter. These tests include updates to usability, format details, and calls-to-action.
  • Measurement & Reporting, actively testing and building 1st party measurement and experimentation solutions for a privacy-preserved future for our Website ad products. 

Twitter’s also developing its App Install ad tools, with this new format among several updates in testing.

Twitter App Install ad

As you can see here, App Install campaigns may soon include a new overlay format that will enable viewers to immediately install the app.

Twitter’s also working on updated optimization models for App install targeting, and new post-install products:

“Such as In-App Purchase Optimization, which would allow advertisers to run campaigns focused on finding people more likely to make in-app purchases.”

Which, of course, has been complicated by Apple’s ATT update, which is gradually restricting app tracking data, thereby limiting the insight that ad providers can use for targeting. But Twitter says that it is prepared for such impacts:

These shifts in the industry are an opportunity for us to move quickly and help our partners navigate these changes as effectively as possible. We continue to build our products with these privacy-focused developments at the core of all we do.”

Twitter’s ad business is less impacted than, say, Facebook in this respect, but all digital ad products are experiencing changes because of these shifts, and all platforms need to adapt and provide new options that cater to the need for accurate targeting, while also respecting user privacy.

These are some interesting updates, with the Carousel change, in particular, providing new opportunity for a wide range of brands.

It could be worth adding into your push for the holidays to see what results you get.

You can read more about Twitter’s latest ad updates here.

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