Getting Work Done With The Pomodoro Technique

 2 years ago
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Hello everyone! 💙

In this article, I will write about a simple learning and productivity technique called the Pomodoro technique.

If you are not motivated enough to complete a task, get distracted when working on a project, want to understand how long a task takes when working then the Pomodoro technique is for you

let's get started 💃

What is the Pomodoro Technique?

The Pomodoro Technique is a popular time-management method invented by Italian Francesco Cirillo.

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method that uses a timer to break down work into intervals of focus and rest. These intervals are called Pomodoros

The Pomodoro technique works by splitting time into intervals, 25 minutes spent working followed by a 5-minute break. A typical practice is to string together four 25 minute work sessions, four Pomodoros separated by three breaks, and concluded with a longer 15 or 20-minute break after the last work session. The cycle then repeats.

let me break it down so you understand better 😌

  • At the beginning of each day select any tasks you need to complete for that day and put them on a TODO list

  • Choose a task to work on for 25mins (one Pomodoro equals 25mins)

  • set a timer for 25mins

  • work on the task until the timer rings

  • Take a 5-minute break

  • Repeat this cycle 4 times and then take a 15 minutes break

Once your break is over, you start another 25 minutes long Pomodoro. You can go back to working on the same task as before if you didn’t complete it during the previous Pomodoro or a new task.

The goal will be to hit a certain number of Pomodoros in a day, like 4 or so, and then hit that number again or more the next day.

The number of Pomodoros you hit in a day depends on you, there's no rule stating that you must complete 8-10 Pomodoros in one day but as a beginner, I will advise you don't do more than 4 Pomodoros per day, start small with 3 Pomodoros per day to see how it works, how it enhances your productivity before increasing to 8-10 Pomodoros per day.

You can use Online applications like the :

  • Focus To-do

  • Pomotodo

  • Engross

  • Tomato Timer

  • Flat Tomato

  • Or Your Alarm clock to set your Pomodoro timer

I use the Focus To-Do: Pomodoro Timer & To-Do List to set my timer, it's available for download on google play store.

What happens if you are interrupted? 😟

When you are working your way through a Pomodoro, you can interrupt it for up to 45seconds but If you get distracted for longer than 45seconds during a Pomodoro (like you end up spending a few minutes on Twitter, replying to a WhatsApp message, or answering a phone call) then the Pomodoro doesn’t count and you have to start over (another 25mins).

In other to avoid distractions during Pomodoros I turn off the notifications on my phone, you can do that as well. you can also let people around you know that you are busy and you will contact them later to avoid distractions.

Benefits of using the Pomodoro technique

  1. Helps measure the real amount of work done.

  2. The Pomodoro technique ease anxiety linked to beginning a task

  3. The Pomodoro technique enhance focus and concentration by cutting down on interruptions

  4. Trains planning and prioritization.

  5. Efficient time management

  6. Improves the Quality and Quantity of your work

The Pomodoro Technique is the best way to manage time and get more out of the day

I was reading a Pomodoro thread on Twitter and some of my Twitter friends were complaining about them losing focus after the break, how they lose workflow and forget everything they were doing before the Pomodoro break, how 25 minutes is too small for them to work on a task which is understandable cause I have experienced it myself when coding and that's the reason I customized my own Pomodoro technique approach.

I changed my timer from 25minutes to 50 minutes and I take a 10-minute break to walk around, stretch my body before resuming another Pomodoro, it works for me so maybe it will work for you.

Remember you can always customize your own Pomodoro technique and you can use the Pomodoro technique to work on any task


If you have any questions or a learning technique you will love to share? or do you think the Pomodoro technique is not for you? Post about it in the comment section below and I'll be happy to answer every single one.

That's all for today! 😁 You reached the end of the article 😍

About Joyk

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Joyk means Joy of geeK