Become a Data Scientist

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.udacity.com/course/data-scientist-nanodegree--nd025
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Top Student Reviews

4.7 stars
Zhaoyun M.
5.0 stars

The program is comprehensive with all the aspects that you expect for a data scientist. I love the teachers in Udacity, they make the program really fun and keeps my motivation at a high level. I like the quiz through each lesson, which helps consolidate the knowledge I have just learn and apply it fresh. My favorite part is the real world project. I just finished my first one, and now I am very familiar with the Data Science process. The reviewer has really helpful and detailed suggestions about how to improve and sharp my project.

The more I learn, the less intimidate the data science is. I started to have interest about data science like 3 months ago. I am at my end of Phd and wondering what do I really like to do and what is my career picture. Data science is perfect for me, since you change the boring data to talking articles with vivid figures and explanation, which can convey valuable insights and knowledge to the world. In addition, you need curiosity to problems and like to think deeply. Once I developed my interest, I am very determined and head on my journey right away. I literally started from zero. You know, I need to install python at the beginning. I prepared myself about 2 months to start this program. I thought I need to full equipped to start this program, but I now I think I should have started earlier. The reason is you can always learn your lack knowledge on the way.

I started this program like 3 weeks ago, I feel what I have achieved so far makes me more confident and want to dive in more and more. One key is persistence, Netflix or Udacity after one day work? It is hard sometimes to switch between my Phd research and this learning journey. They have nothing in common! So time management is another key.

I can't wait to start my learning on software engineering and data engineering.

5.0 stars

This project is more oriented in conveying your ideas and analysis result rather than practicing technical things.

I think this is essential for data scientists, who should communicate lot with their co-workers especially non-developers.

It was frustrating for me to resubmitting repeatedly( 4times! ). At the first submission, I was totally rejected because I didn't follow CRISP-DM At the second trial, I completely changed my topic because previous one was just about implementing where business question was not appropriate. However, I was rejected not providing what am I doing in detail. At the third trial, I need to change the picture in the blog post, added docstring, and added some more explanation to the visualized results. Finally, on the fourth trial, I passed the project!

It was really tough, and frustrating. I think I spent more than 10 days to come up with an idea and spent more than 3 days to prepare the data and code and spent 1 whole day to make the everything in the format.

However, in the end, I did it. It'd not have been possible without your kind supporting words and helpful reviews. Thanks!

Heschmat S.
5.0 stars

So, I've just finished the program. Considering how big of a scope data science has, the instructors have done a fantastic job. You could learn a ton by watching the videos, and working on the projects alone.

Admittedly, I could have done a much better job for my projects, but there is always time & money pressure. For me, the most important factor is that, the program INSPIREs you. I'd definitely go back to many of the materials to cement my knowledge and will work on my projects gradually to improve them.

Also, I was forced to publish a couple of blog posts, something I would most likely have never done if not because of the program, but now - although I've finished the nanodegree- I'm already thinking about publishing another blog. As I said, inspiring.

100% recommended. And don't forget, be ambitious.

Andrew Sik-On L.
5.0 stars

The program is definitely everything I expected and more. It definitely build on the data analyst nanodegree. The Jupyter notebooks are great and how we build on each notebook. There are however, some errors where the testing function says the code is wrong, but the in the solutions notebook they show the same error, but it is the correct answer. Those minor modifications can be made easily.

The lessons are very informative and well structured. I also find my coding to be continually improving through the new ideas I see and solving new problems. I also appreciate being pushed out of my comfort zone to develop my portfolio through blog posts and creating a GitHub portfolio.

Looking forward to what's next!

Ikenna N.
5.0 stars

It's been an amazing experience so far. Before now, I've always wanted to write a blog to talk about my projects, but I have always held back as I didn't really know how or where to start from, and also the fear of being criticised for a bad post.

However, this program has given me the push, direction and confidence to write more posts to show case my work to non-technical audience. I wish I knew the tips I've learned so far long ago. Now I feel like dropping a post weekly. The feedback I received from Udacity on my first project, is mind-boggling. Well detailed, and lots of pointers to extra reading materials. Amazing.

Looking forward to the rest of the courses.

Omar A.
5.0 stars

I am liking this program till now. Although because I was beginner I completed everything before starting this project and I have already finished every project except the capstone one. I didn't read the entire perquisites before starting so I did a lot of catching up through it however with the extra lessons provided I caught up with it.

I would liked if the perquisites were a bit more visible. sometimes the explanation is not sufficient in some parts or some codes that hasn't been updated however the instructors in the knowledge are very helpful and will provide help for unexplained concepts or direct you to a place where you get more information.

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