Microsoft Starts Charging Surface Duo 2 Pre-Orders, Shipping About to Start

 2 years ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/microsoft-starts-charging-surface-duo-2-pre-orders-shipping-about-to-start-534212.shtml
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The Surface Duo is expected to ship later this month

Microsoft has already announced the Surface Duo 2 last month as part of a dedicated Surface hardware event, and the device is now expected to begin shipping on October 20.

But as it turns out, the company has started charging the pre-orders for the new Surface Duo model, possibly as it’s getting ready to start shipping the device to the first customers.

On the other hand, this doesn’t necessarily mean the Duo 2 will ship early for everybody. In fact, this could be just a precautionary measure that Microsoft turns to in order to make sure the Surface Duo 2 is delivered on time to all customers, as the charging could take up to 10 days in advance to streamline the process.

However, it’s very clear the start of shipments is all just a matter of time right now, and the Surface Duo 2 should be in the hands of the first customers in just a few days.

The new Surface Duo 2

Microsoft has put a lot of effort into getting the Surface Duo 2 right, and it’s pretty clear the company has learned from its past mistakes.

The new model no longer comes with an outdated processor, and the upgrades land exactly in those departments that matter the most for a high-end device.

For example, the Surface Duo 2 now sports a triple-camera setup, just like a genuine flagship, so it’s capable of taking much better photos, at least on paper, as the actual performance of the camera is something we’ll have to discover ourselves when the device becomes available.

The Surface Duo 2 is, just like its predecessor, a dual-screen model that supports multiple form factors, including becoming a full tablet when both screens are fully open. And of course, thanks to the Surface Pen, it supports stylus input just like a traditional Surface PC.

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