GitHub - garronej/tss-react: ✨ makeStyles is dead, long live makeStyles! ✨

 2 years ago
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garronej/tss-react: ✨ makeStyles is dead, long live makeStyles! ✨

sparkles makeStyles is dead, long live makeStyles! sparkles

'tss-react' is intended to be the replacement for 'react-jss' and for @material-ui v4 makeStyles.

$ yarn add tss-react @emotion/react

Quick start

Minimal setup


import { createMakeStyles } from "tss-react";

function useTheme() {
    return {
        "primaryColor": "#32CD32",

export const { makeStyles } = createMakeStyles({ useTheme });


import { makeStyles } from "./makeStyles";

const useStyles = makeStyles<{ color: "red" | "blue" }>()(
    (theme, { color }) => ({
        "root": {
            "&:hover": {
                "backgroundColor": theme.primaryColor,

export function MyComponent(props: Props) {
    const { className } = props;

    const [color, setColor] = useState<"red" | "blue">("red");

    const { classes, cx } = useStyles({ color });

    return <span className={cx(classes.root, className)}>hello world</span>;

Mui integration

Don't use <StyledEngineProvider injectFirst/> but do this instead:

import { render } from "react-dom";
import { CacheProvider } from "@emotion/react";
import createCache from "@emotion/cache";
import { ThemeProvider } from "@mui/material/styles";

export const muiCache = createCache({
    "key": "mui",
    "prepend": true,

    <CacheProvider value={muiCache}>
        <ThemeProvider theme={myTheme}>
            <Root />


import { useTheme } from "@mui/material/styles";
//WARNING: tss-react require TypeScript v4.4 or newer. If you can't update use:
//import { createMakeAndWidthStyles } from "tss-react/compat";
import { createMakeAndWidthStyles } from "tss-react";

export const { makeStyles, withStyles } = createMakeAndWithStyles({
    OR, if you have extended the default mui theme adding your own custom properties: 
    Let's assume the myTheme object that you provide to the <ThemeProvider /> is of 
    type MyTheme then you'll write:
    //"useTheme": useTheme as (()=> MyTheme)

WARNING: Keep @emotion/styled as a dependency of your project. Even if you never use it explicitly, it's a peer dependency of @mui/material.

WARNING for Storybook: As of writing this lines storybook still uses by default emotion 10.
Material-ui and TSS runs emotion 11 so there is some changes to be made to your .storybook/main.js to make it uses emotion 11.

Avoiding import { makeStyles } from "../../../makeStyles"

If you don't want to end up writing things like:

import { makeStyles } from "../../../../../../makeStyles";

You can put "baseUrl": "src" in your tsconfig.json and import things relative to your src/ directory.


Try it now:

API documentation

Exposed APIs

import {
    createMakeAndWithStyles, //<- Create an instance of makeStyles() and withStyles() for your theme.
    keyframes, //<- The function as defined in @emotion/react and @emotion/css
    GlobalStyles, //<- A component to define global styles.
    TssCacheProvider, //<- Provider to specify the emotion cache tss should use.
    useCssAndCx, //<- Access css and cx directly.
    //   (Usually you'll use useStyles returned by makeStyles or createMakeStyles for that purpose
    //    but if you have no theme in your project, it can come in handy.)
} from "tss-react";


Your component style may depend on the props and state of the components:

const useStyles = makeStyles<{ color: string }>()((_theme, { color }) => ({
    "root": {
        "backgroundColor": color,


const { classes } = useStyles({ "color": "grey" });

...Or it may not:

const useStyles = makeStyles()({
    //If you don't need neither the theme nor any state or
    //props to describe your component style you can pass-in
    //an object instead of a callback.
    "root": {
        "backgroundColor": "pink",


const { classes } = useStyles();


Beside the classes, useStyles also returns cx, css and your theme. css is the function as defined in @emotion/css cx is the function as defined in @emotion/css

const { classes, cx, css, theme } = useStyles(/*...*/);

In some components you may need cx, css or theme without defining custom classes.
For that purpose you can use the useStyles hook returned by createMakeStyles.


import { createMakeAndWithStyles } from "tss-react";

function useTheme() {
    return {
        "primaryColor": "#32CD32",

export const {
    useStyles, //<- This useStyles is like the useStyles you get when you
    //   call makeStyles but it doesn't return a classes object.
} = createMakeAndWithStyles({ useTheme });


//Here we ca import useStyles directly instead of generating it from makeStyles.
import { useStyles } from "./makeStyles";

export function MyComponent(props: Props) {
    const { className } = props;

    const { cx, css, theme } = useStyles();

    return (
        <span className={cx(css({ "color": theme.primaryColor }), className)}>
            hello world


It's like the material-ui v4 higher-order component API but type safe by design.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Don't be afraid to use as const when you get red squiggly lines.

You can pass as first argument any component that accept a className props:

function MyComponent(props: { className?: string; colorSmall: string }) {
    return (
        <div className={props.className}>
            The background color should be different when the screen is small.

const MyComponentStyled = withStyles(MyComponent, (theme, props) => ({
    "root": {
        "backgroundColor": theme.palette.primary.main,
        "height": 100,
    "@media (max-width: 960px)": {
        "root": {
            "backgroundColor": props.colorSmall,

You can also pass a mui component like for example <Button /> and you'll be able to overwrite every rule name of the component (it uses the classes prop).

import Button from "@mui/material/Button";

const MyStyledButton = withStyles(Button, {
    "root": {
        "backgroundColor": "grey",
    "text": {
        "color": "red",
    "@media (max-width: 960px)": {
        "text": {
            "color": "blue",

It's also possible to start from builtin HTML component:

const MyAnchorStyled = withStyles("a", (theme, { href }) => ({
    "root": {
        "border": "1px solid black",
        "backgroundColor": href?.startsWith("https")
            ? theme.palette.primary.main
            : "red",

You can experiment with those examples here live here, you can also run it locally with yarn start_spa.

<GlobalStyles />

Sometimes you might want to insert global css. You can use the <GlobalStyles /> component to do this.

It's styles (with an s) prop should be of same type as the css() function argument.

import { GlobalStyles } from "tss-react";

function MyComponent() {
    return (
                    "body": {
                        "backgroundColor": "pink",
                    ".foo": {
                        "color": "cyan",
            <h1 className="foo">This text will be cyan</h1>


// Reexport from @emotion/react
import { keyframes } from "tss-react";
import { makeStyles } from "./makeStyles";

export const useStyles = makeStyles()({
    "svg": {
        "& g": {
            "opacity": 0,
            "animation": `${keyframes`
            60%, 100% {
                opacity: 0;
            0% {
                opacity: 0;
            40% {
                opacity: 1;
            `} 3.5s infinite ease-in-out`,


By default, tss-react uses an emotion cache that you can access with import { getTssDefaultEmotionCache } from "tss-react".
Now if you want tss-react to use a specific emotion cache you can provide it using import { TssCacheProvider } from "tss-react".

If you are using tss-react with mui v5, be aware that mui and tss can't share the same cache. On top of that the cache used by mui should have "prepend": true and the cache used by tss should have "prepend": false.

Composition and nested selectors ( $ syntax )

tss-react unlike jss-react doesn't support the $ syntax but there's type safe alternatives that achieve the same results.

Selecting children by class name

In JSS you can do:

  "parent": {
      "padding": 30,
      "&:hover $child": {
          "backgroundColor": "red"
  "child": {
      "backgroundColor": "blue"
<div className={classes.parent}>
    <div className={classes.children}>
        Background turns red when the mouse is hover the parent

This is how you would achieve the same result with tss-react

const useStyles = makeStyles()((_theme, _params, createRef) => {
    const child = {
        "ref": createRef(),
        "background": "blue",
    } as const; //<- In many case 'as const' must be used so that it can be inferred as CSSObject

    return {
        "parent": {
            "padding": 30,
            [`&:hover .${child.ref}`]: {
                "background": "red",

export function App() {
    const { classes } = useStyles();

    return (
        <div className={classes.parent}>
            <div className={classes.child}>
                Background turns red when mouse is hover the parent.

Internal composition

When you want to reuse style within the same component.

import { makeStyles } from "./makeStyles";
import type { CSSObject } from "tss-react";

const useStyles = makeStyles<{ n: number; color: string }>()(
    (theme, { n, color }) => {
        const root: CSSObject = {
            "color": theme.primaryColor,
            "border": `${n}px solid black`,

        return {
            "foo": {
                //Style specific to foo

Export rules


import { makeStyles } from "./makeStyles";
// You can always define the Theme type as: "export type Theme = ReturnType<typeof useTheme>;"
import type { Theme } from "./makeStyles";
import type { CSSObject } from "tss-react";

//Can be used in another component
export const getRootStyle = (
    theme: Theme,
    params: { n: number },
): CSSObject => ({
    "color": theme.primaryColor,
    "border": `${params.n}px solid black`,

const useStyles = makeStyles<
    Parameters<typeof getRootStyle>[1] & { color: string }
>()((theme, { n, color }) => ({
    "root": getRootStyle(theme, { n }),
    // Other styles...

Server Side Rendering (SSR)

There are some minimal configuration required to make tss-react work with SSR.

The following instructions are assuming you are using tss-react standalone or alongside @material-ui v5. You can find here a Next.js setup with @material-ui v4.

With Next.js

If you don't have a _document.tsx

Just create a file page/_document.tsx as follow:

import { createDocument } from "tss-react/nextJs";

const { Document } = createDocument();

With mui v5 (or if you are using custom caches):

import { muiCache } from "...";

const { Document } = createDocument({ "caches": [ muiCache ] });

If you are providing custom caches to tss-react using <TssCacheProvider value={tssCache} >
you should pass it as well.

const { Document } = createDocument({ "caches": [ muiCache, tssCache ] });

Generally speaking all the emotion caches used in your app should be provided.
Just remember to first provide the caches used by mui then the caches used by tss. Example:

const { Document } = createDocument({ "caches": [ muiCache1, muiCache2, tssCache1, tssCache2 ] });

export default Document;

You can find a working example here.

Or, if you have have a _document.tsx but you haven't overloaded getInitialProps

Click to expand

Or, if you have have a _document.tsx and an overloaded getInitialProps

Click to expand

With any other framework

yarn add @emotion/server
import { renderToString } from "react-dom/server";
import createEmotionServer from "@emotion/server/create-instance";

import { getTssDefaultEmotionCache } from "tss-react/cache";
import { createMakeStyles } from "tss-react";

const emotionServers = [
    getTssDefaultEmotionCache(), //If you use custom cache(s) provide it/them here instead of the default, see example below.

With mui v5 (or if you are using custom caches):

import { muiCache } from "...";

const emotionServers = [

If you are providing custom caches to tss-react using <TssCacheProvider value={tssCache} >
you should pass it as well.

const emotionServers = [

Generally speaking all the emotion caches used in your app should be provided.
Just remember to first provide the caches used by mui then the caches used by tss. Example:

const emotionServers = [

const element = <App />;

const html = renderToString(element);

res.status(200).header("Content-Type", "text/html").send(`<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
    <title>My site</title>
        .map(({ extractCriticalToChunks, constructStyleTagsFromChunks }) =>
    <div id="root">${html}</div>
    <script src="./bundle.js"></script>


yarn build
#For automatically recompiling when file change
#npx tsc -w

# To start the Single Page Application test app (create react app)
# This app is live here: https://garronej.github.io/tss-react/
yarn start_spa

# To start the Server Side Rendering app (next.js)
yarn start_ssr

# To start the Server Side Rendering app that test the mui v4 integration.
yarn start_muiV4

In SSR everything should work with JavaScript disabled

Click to expand

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