VS Code Tips & Tricks

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.raywenderlich.com/26921676-vs-code-tips-tricks
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VS Code Tips & Tricks

Oct 5 2021 · Video Course (53 mins) · Beginner

Become a VS Code power user with tips and tricks such as keyboard shortcuts, editing tips and utilizing the goodness of extensions.

3.5/5 2 Ratings


  • Dart 2.7, Flutter 2.2.3, VS Code 1.43

Common Tips & Tricks

Get an overview of common keyboard shortcuts and use them to execute commands to speed up your workflow.

Get to know the settings in VS Code and use them to customize the look and feel of your app development experience.

Use the editor to the max with keyboard shortcuts and preferences to get a better coding experience.

Learn how to create a library of code snippets to avoid writing time consuming and repetitive code from scratch.

Explore more general tips and tricks to speed up your workflow.

Power Up with Extensions

Use extensions to add custom made snippets to generate lengthy code and use a code expansion extension.

Get packages with the correct version number without leaving VS Code and arrange your import statements.

Use extensions that help to improve your general coding experience with visual cues and colors to make editing easier.

Learn how to generate file headers and create macros using extensions.

Share your settings and other VS Code related configs across different machines.

Who is this for?

Developers who use VS Code seeking to improve their proficiency and speed while using the editor. It is expected that you have basic knowledge of using VS Code before taking this course.

Covered concepts

  • Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Editing Tips and Tricks
  • Customizing the Editor Settings
  • Code Snippets
  • Integrating Extensions
  • File Headers and Macros


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Adriana Kutenko

Graphic Illustrator with a Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts. I am a perpetual perfection seeker with a big passion for History...



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