Wyze's new smart scale is cheaper than most regular scales

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.androidpolice.com/Wyzes-new-smart-scale-is-cheaper-than-most-non-smart-scales/
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Wyze's new smart scale is cheaper than most regular scales

By Michael Crider

Published 2 days ago

All you're losing is a glass top and heart rate tracking

Wyze has built a frugal empire on low-price smart gadgets, including the $20 Wyze Scale that measures weight, body fat percentage, heart rate, and other essential health data. Today the company announced an even cheaper option if a $5 difference is going to break your budget for smart health gadgets. The Wyze Scale S is a little cheaper and a little less sophisticated.

The Scale S is a tad smaller, with four exposed electrodes instead of a glass top, so you'll need to stand in a specific spot to get a full scan going. Like the original, it syncs to the Wyze app via Bluetooth, which can then send health data to Google Fit, Apple Health, or Fitbit. (The original scale will support Samsung Health at some point in the future, but there's no word on whether the new one will too.) It'll last for up to 18 months on three AAA batteries.

Here's all the stuff it can measure, with the only major difference being the lack of a heart rate measurement (for now):

  • Weight
  • Body mass index
  • Bone Mass
  • Lean body mass
  • Muscle mass
  • Body fat percentage
  • Body water percentage
  • Visceral fat
  • Protein level
  • Basal metabolic rate
  • Metabolic age

The scale can recognize up to eight different users, and it also has a "baby/pet mode," wherein the user holds onto a smaller person (or fur person) and steps on the scale in order to track the difference. It comes in white or black color options. It's up for pre-order today for just $15, set to ship (for $10) in November. Note that Wyze promised to stop sneaking in expensive shipping and combine their prices back in May — that doesn't appear to have happened yet.


Wyze is also selling a version of the Wyze Cam Outdoor that comes with a dbrand camo skin pre-installed. If that's your thing.

About The Author


Michael Crider (3609 Articles Published)

Michael is a born Texan and a former graphic designer. He's been covering technology in general and Android in particular since 2011. His interests include folk music, football, science fiction, and salsa verde, in no particular order. He wrote a novel called Good Intentions: A Supervillain Story, and it's available on Amazon.

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