Check out the new Android Police

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.androidpolice.com/check-out-the-new-android-police/
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Check out the new Android Police

By AP Staff

Published 1 day ago

We've got a new look, hope you like it

You might have noticed that something seems a little different about Android Police today. The astute among you may have even pinned down the change: We've redesigned our website. It's been six years since Android Police got a fresh coat of paint (not counting our dark theme), and we were overdue for a remodel. So take a good look and let us know what you think.

The new design should be a little more modern — AP2 was getting a bit dusty, and didn't play nice with some of our plans without drastic changes. Content density in some locations is also higher, as at the top of our homepage, making it easier to get news at a glance and grab the stories you want to read. We might have a few issues to iron out over time, and formatting on some of our older coverage will also change, so let us know if you spot any bugs or bad behaviors.


While you're clicking or tapping around our new desktop and mobile layouts, feel free to try to break things — ideally, while documenting as much as possible when you do, so we can fix it. We're actually still getting used to the change ourselves. In the future, you'll also enjoy a few new formats for our coverage and content — pardon us while we work out what those will be, but the new design is a bit more flexible for that sort of thing.

Part of this new look includes a semi-new logo. You'll notice our icon remains the same, but we've got a new bit of text (I think the corporate term is "wordmark") to go with it. Categories for coverage are an easier-to-spot shade of blue, and we've kept our dark theme support to protect your sensitive eyeballs at night.

Again, a lot of this is still a work in progress, and you may spot further changes over time — not all of them will merit an annoucement like this. Still, we've been working on this change for a while, and we hope you like it. (If you don't, too bad.)

About The Author

AP Staff

About Joyk

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Joyk means Joy of geeK