Virtual Hackathon : Come ideate and help build a sustainable nursing force

 2 years ago
source link: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/healthcare-and-life-sciences/virtual-hackathon-come-ideate-and-help-build-a-sustainable/ba-p/2775583?WT_mc_id=DOP-MVP-4025064
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Virtual Hackathon : Come ideate and help build a sustainable nursing force

Published Sep 22 2021 12:17 PM 1,040 Views

Join us for our hackathon designed specifically for nurses!

Did you know that 1 in 5 nurses are leaving or considering leaving the profession?

This last year has underscored the need for technology-driven solutions spearheaded by nurses, healthcare professionals, and technologists. Now more than ever before, our world needs to reimagine how to prepare and deploy new models to attract and retain our nursing workforce.

Over the weekend, participants will share their ideas, build a team to tackle a particular issue or join a team with an exciting idea.
Join us and develop a solution to reshape the future of nursing.

Join our 3 day virtual hackathon to work with other technologists, healthcare workers, and innovators to build meaningful solutions.

I am a developer, How can I help?

Look at our other Blog for more information-  Calling on developers for Virtual Hackathon - Microsoft Tech Community 

What if I don’t have skills on the tech and tools the team needs? No problem! Your background in Healthcare, on any developer tools and tech are more than enough – and we’ll have plenty of MSFT mentors in a variety of areas there to help you as well. Commonly used tech includes (but is definitely not limited to):

  • C#/Java/JavaScript, React.js, SQL, MySQL, Power Apps, bot frameworks, Power Virtual Agent, mobile app dev

To register and to learn more: https://nursehack4health.org

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‎Sep 30 2021 08:03 AM

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