Threat Update 57 – Zoom-ing In On Non-Traditional Data Stores

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.varonis.com/blog/threat-update-57-zoom-ing-in-on-non-traditional-data-stores/
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Threat Update 57 – Zoom-ing In On Non-Traditional Data Stores

Incident Response

Inside Out Security Blog » Incident Response » Threat Update 57 – Zoom-ing In On Non-Traditional Data Stores

Kilian Englert

Kilian Englert

Updated: 9/30/2021

Many people know it’s not safe to send sensitive information in emails, but how many people think about what is said on video conferencing platforms?

Kilian Englert and Ryan O’Boyle from the Varonis Cloud Architecture team spotlight how a non-traditional data store — such as Zoom — can often be overlooked. Ryan and Kilian also discuss steps organizations can take to secure video conferencing solutions and recordings.

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Kilian Englert

Kilian Englert

Kilian has a background in enterprise security engineering, as well as security solution selling. Kilian is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) and creates internal and public content on topics related to cyber security and technology best practices.

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