Online Movie Store eCommerce Tips (when Selling Audiovisual Products)

 2 years ago
source link: https://ceoworld.biz/2021/09/29/online-movie-store-ecommerce-tips-when-selling-audiovisual-products/
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Online Movie Store eCommerce Tips (when Selling Audiovisual Products)

Selling products that have no visual representation can be tricky. On the one hand, online movie renting and selling offers the convenience of obtaining audiovisual products from the comfort of the customers’ houses. On the other hand, it means operating in a highly competitive niche.

So if you are just thinking of launching an online movie store or looking for new creative ideas of how to level up your profit, this article has been designed to share some fresh insights.

Without further ado, let’s dive right into it.

5 Awesome Tips for Online Movie Stores

Just like the Order Management by Mageworx helps Magento-based merchants keep their orders under control in the backend, it’s a must to have a variety of aspects optimized on the frontend to skyrocket your sales of audiovisual products.

Flawless customer journey

Which steps do your costumes take to achieve a goal with your company?

If you can name (or better have visualized) all the steps on the way toward the primary goal, then everything in the garden is lovely.

And please note that a simple understanding of the customer journey is not enough. Mapping out the exact actions on the way to a specific goal is a must. Visualization from the first to the final touchpoints will help see if your site’s navigation and UX/UI ensure the shoppers reach their goals flawlessly.

Otherwise, your site visitors may get distracted from the main goal or, at worst, abandon your movie online store if their journey is too twisted and complicated to follow.

Comments, reviews, and ratings

In the ecosystem of audiovisual offerings, product reviews, comments, and ratings are probably one of the significant decision shaping factors for potential audiovisual products purchasers.

How do you feel about buying a movie with low ratings?

Many often read reviews before opting for an audiovisual product before ordering it. And when satisfied, the buyers enthusiastically share their opinion and get involved in discussions.

But here’s the kicker:

Besides increasing your site metrics (such as bounce rate and the average time on page), on-site reviews help you build user-generated content and thus improve your site’s SEO rankings.

To make this happen, you should polish to perfection the process of comments and review submission, collection, availability, and display.

Make sure not to leave product reviews to chance.

Build a feedback collection strategy and integrate the required functionality into your online resource.

Be it product review reminder popups, post-sale email reminders, rewards for review submissions, or simply a beautifully designed incentive in the customers’ account that encourage a buyer to take the time and share their experience dealing either with your brand or a purchased audiovisual product.

Pluralsight subscriptions plans

The world has turned to subscriptions about five-ten years ago. It’s not a novelty for the online move stores niche either.

Pluralsight subscription plans help meet the needs and expectations of different segments of your customer base and keep your site visitors coming back.

Importantly, the offered pricing plans should bring actual value that is clearly articulated and apparent for your customers.

Loyalty programs

Reward and loyalty programs aren’t already a “should-be” but a “must be” option that some customer segments search, compare, and opt for.

For online movie businesses, attractive conditions can help win a shopper and turn them from one-time buyers into loyal regulars.

For that, do your research. Collect the available data about your competitors and how they do it. Study the best eCommerce brands. Ask your shoppers about their expectations, and then build a unique loyalty program that comes along with the shoppers you are targeting.

Online buzz

The marketing buzz is a safe and proven method to attract the shoppers’ attention to a brand or a product.

If your site is not live yet, then it’s high time to start building online buzz well in advance of your actual site launch.

Similarly, you can build specific marketing campaigns correlated with an upcomimg availability of a long-awaited or requested item.

Any marketing mix will do here. From social media giveaways and “tag a friend to win” tactics to paid ads, press releases, and on-site banners will do.

As soon as online searchers find your deal of actual value, they’ll create an online buzz around your offering and thus help you promote your online movie store.


Yes, selling audiovisual products has undoubtedly changed over the last decade with the world moving online.

Now, it’s more like selling foods online. The visuals should be eye-candy, and your products’ descriptions should help build an emotional bond with your offerings.

Consider using the correct type of features to trigger your shoppers’ interest in the audiovisual products you offer. Make sure to apply the pieces of advice we share above to bring your sales to the next level.

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