Finding Closure in Rust

 2 years ago
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Finding Closure in Rust

By Huon Wilson — 08 May 2015

Have you ever used an iterator adapter in Rust? Called a method on Option? Spawned a thread? You’ve almost certainly used a closure. The design in Rust may seem a little complicated, but it slides right into Rust’s normal ownership model so let’s reinvent it from scratch.

The new design was introduced in RFC 114, moving Rust to a model for closures similar to C++11’s. The design builds on Rust’s standard trait system to allow for allocation-less statically-dispatched closures, but also giving the choice to opt-in to type-erasure and dynamic dispatch and the benefits that brings. It incorporates elements of inference that “just work” by ensuring that ownership works out.

Steve Klabnik has written some docs on Rust’s closures for the official documentation. I’ve explicitly avoided reading it so far because I’ve always wanted to write this, and I think it’s better to give a totally independent explanation while I have the chance. If something is confusing here, maybe they help clarify.

What’s a closure?

In a sentence: a closure is a function that can directly use variables from the scope in which it is defined. This is often described as the closure closing over or capturing variables (the captures). Collectively, the variables are called the environment.

Syntactically, a closure in Rust is an anonymous function0 value defined a little like Ruby, with pipes: |arguments...| body. For example, |a, b| a + b defines a closure that takes two arguments and returns their sum. It’s just like a normal function declaration, with more inference:

// function:
fn foo(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 { a + b }
// closure:
      |a,      b|               a + b

Just like a normal function, they can be called with parentheses: closure(arguments...).

To illustrate the capturing, this code snippet calls map on an Option<i32>, which will call a closure on the i32 (if it exists) and create a new Option containing the return value of the call.

fn main() {
    let option = Some(2);

    let x = 3;
    // explicit types:
    let new: Option<i32> = option.map(|val: i32| -> i32 { val + x });
    println!("{:?}", new); // Some(5)

    let y = 10;
    // inferred:
    let new2 = option.map(|val| val * y);
    println!("{:?}", new2); // Some(20)

The closures are capturing the x and y variables, allowing them to be used while mapping. (To be more convincing, imagine they were only known at runtime, so that one couldn’t just write val + 3 inside the closure.)

Back to basics

Now that we have the semantics in mind, take a step back and riddle me this: how would one implement that sort of generic map if Rust didn’t have closures?

The functionality of Option::map we’re trying to duplicate is (equivalently):

fn map<X, Y>(option: Option<X>, transformer: ...) -> Option<Y> {
    match option {
        Some(x) => Some(transformer(x)), // (closure syntax for now)
        None => None,

We need to fill in the ... with something that transforms an X into a Y. The biggest constraint for perfectly replacing Option::map is that it needs to be generic in some way, so that it works with absolutely any way we wish to do the transformation. In Rust, that calls for a generic bounded by a trait.

fn map<X, Y, T>(option: Option<X>, transform: T) -> Option<Y>
    where T: /* the trait */

This trait needs to have a method that converts some specific type into another. Hence there’ll have to be form of type parameters to allow the exact types to be specified in generic bounds like map. There’s two choices: generics in the trait definition (“input type parameters”) and associated types (“output type parameters”). The quoted names hint at the choices we should take: the type that gets input into the transformation should be a generic in the trait, and the type that is output by the transformation should be an associated type.1

So, our trait looks something like:

trait Transform<Input> {
    type Output;

    fn transform(/* self?? */, input: Input) -> Self::Output;

The last question is what sort of self (if any) the method should take?

The transformation should be able to incorporate arbitrary information beyond what is contained in Input. Without any self argument, the method would look like fn transform(input: Input) -> Self::Output and the operation could only depend on Input and global variables (ick). So we do need one.

The most obvious options are by-reference &self, by-mutable-reference &mut self, or by-value self. We want to allow the users of map to have as much power as possible while still enabling map to type-check. At a high-level self gives implementers (i.e. the types users define to implement the trait) the most flexibility, with &mut self next and &self the least flexible. Conversely, &self gives consumers of the trait (i.e. functions with generics bounded by the trait) the most flexibility, and self the least.

Implementer Consumer self Can move out and mutate Can only call method once &mut self Can’t move out, can mutate Can call many times, only with unique access &self Can’t move out or mutate Can call many times, with no restrictions

(“Move out” and “mutate” in the implementer column are referring to data stored inside self.)

Choosing between them is a balance, we usually want to chose the highest row of the table that still allows the consumers to do what they need to do, as that allows the external implementers to do as much as possible.

Starting at the top of that table: we can try self. This gives fn transform(self, input: Input) -> Self::Output. The by-value self will consume ownership, and hence transform can only be called once. Fortunately, map only needs to do the transformation once, so by-value self works perfectly.

In summary, our map and its trait look like:

trait Transform<Input> {
    type Output;

    fn transform(self, input: Input) -> Self::Output;

fn map<X, Y, T>(option: Option<X>, transform: T) -> Option<Y>
    where T: Transform<X, Output = Y>
    match option {
        Some(x) => Some(transform.transform(x)),
        None => None,

The example from before can then be reimplemented rather verbosely, by creating structs and implementing Transform to do the appropriate conversion for that struct.

// replacement for |val| val + x
struct Adder { x: i32 }

impl Transform<i32> for Adder {
    type Output = i32;

    // ignoring the `fn ... self`, this looks similar to |val| val + x
    fn transform(self, val: i32) -> i32 {
        val + self.x

// replacement for |val| val * y
struct Multiplier { y: i32 }

impl Transform<i32> for Multiplier {
    type Output = i32;

    // looks similar to |val| val * y
    fn transform(self, val: i32) -> i32 {
        val * self.y

fn main() {
    let option = Some(2);

    let x = 3;
    let new: Option<i32> = map(option, Adder { x: x });
    println!("{:?}", new); // Some(5)

    let y = 10;
    let new2 = map(option, Multiplier { y: y });
    println!("{:?}", new2); // Some(20)

We’ve manually implemented something that seems to have the same semantics as Rust closures, using traits and some structs to store and manipulate the captures. In fact, the struct has some uncanny similarities to the “environment” of a closure: it stores a pile of variables that need to be used in the body of transform.

How do real closures work?

Just like that, plus a little more flexibility and syntactic sugar. The real definition of Option::map is:

impl<X> Option<X> {
    pub fn map<Y, F: FnOnce(X) -> Y>(self, f: F) -> Option<Y> {
        match self {
            Some(x) => Some(f(x)),
            None => None

FnOnce(X) -> Y is another name for our Transform<X, Output = Y> bound, and, f(x) for transform.transform(x).

There are three traits for closures, all of which provide the ...(...) call syntax (one could regard them as different kinds of operator() in C++). They differ only by the self type of the call method, and they cover all of the self options listed above.

These traits are covering exactly the three core ways to handle data in Rust, so having each of them meshes perfectly with Rust’s type-system.

When you write |args...| code... the compiler will implicitly define a unique new struct type storing the captured variables, and then implement one of those traits using the closure’s body, rewriting any mentions of captured variables to go via the closure’s environment. The struct type doesn’t have a user visible name, it is purely internal to the compiler. When the program hits the closure definition at runtime, it fills in an instance of struct and passes that instance into whatever it needs to (like we did with our map above).

There’s two questions left:

  1. how are variables captured? (what type are the fields of the environment struct?)
  2. which trait is used? (what type of self is used?)

The compiler answers both by using some local rules to choose the version that will give the most flexibility. The local rules are designed to be able to be checked only knowing the definition the closure, and the types of any variables it captures.2

By “flexibility” I mean the compiler chooses the option that (it thinks) will compile, but imposes the least on the programmer.

Structs and captures

If you’re familiar with closures in C++11, you may recall the [=] and [&] capture lists: capture variables by-value3 and by-reference respectively. Rust has similar capability: variables can be captured by-value—the variable is moved into the closure environment—or by-reference—a reference to the variable is stored in the closure environment.

By default, the compiler looks at the closure body to see how captured variables are used, and uses that to infers how variables should be captured:

  • if a captured variable is only ever used through a shared reference, it is captured by & reference,
  • if it used through a mutable reference (including assignment), it is captured by &mut reference,
  • if it is moved, it is forced to be captured by-value. (NB. using a Copy type by-value only needs a & reference, so this rule only applies to non-Copy ones.)

The algorithm seems a little non-trivial, but it matches exactly the mental model of a practiced Rust programmer, using ownership/borrows as precisely as it can. In fact, if a closure is “non-escaping”, that is, never leaves the stack frame in which it is created, I believe this algorithm is perfect: code will compile without needing any annotations about captures.

To summarise, the compiler will capture variables in the way that is least restrictive in terms of continued use outside the closure (& is preferred, then &mut and lastly by-value), and that still works for all their uses within the closure. This analysis happens on a per-variable basis, e.g.:

struct T { ... }

fn by_value(_: T) {}
fn by_mut(_: &mut T) {}
fn by_ref(_: &T) {}

let x: T = ...;
let mut y: T = ...;
let mut z: T = ...;

let closure = || {

    // forces `y` and `z` to be at least captured by `&mut` reference
    by_mut(&mut y);
    by_mut(&mut z);

    // forces `z` to be captured by value

To focus on the flexibility: since x is only captured by shared reference, it is legal for it be used while closure exists, and since y is borrowed (by mutable reference) it can be used once closure goes out of scope, but z cannot be used at all, even once closure is gone, since it has been moved into the closure value.

The compiler would create code that looks a bit like:

struct Environment<'x, 'y> {
    x: &'x T,
    y: &'y mut T,
    z: T

/* impl of FnOnce for Environment */

let closure = Environment {
    x: &x,
    y: &mut y,
    z: z

The struct desugaring allows the full power of Rust’s type system is brought to bear on ensuring it isn’t possible to accidentally get a dangling reference or use freed memory or trigger any other memory safety violation by misusing a closure. If there is problematic code, the compiler will point it out.

move and escape

I stated above that the inference is perfect for non-escaping closures… which implies that it is not perfect for “escaping” ones.

If a closure is escaping, that is, if it might leave the stack frame where it is created, it must not contain any references to values inside that stack frame, since those references would be dangling when the closure is used outside that frame: very bad. Fortunately the compiler will emit an error if there’s a risk of that, but returning closures can be useful and so should be possible; for example4:

/// Returns a closure that will add `x` to its argument.
fn make_adder(x: i32) -> Box<Fn(i32) -> i32> {
    Box::new(|y| x + y)

fn main() {
    let f = make_adder(3);

    println!("{}", f(1)); // 4
    println!("{}", f(10)); // 13

Looks good, except… it doesn’t actually compile:

...:3:14: 3:23 error: closure may outlive the current function, but it borrows `x`, which is owned by the current function [E0373]
...:3     Box::new(|y| x + y)
...:3:18: 3:19 note: `x` is borrowed here
...:3     Box::new(|y| x + y)

The problem is clearer when everything is written as explicit structs: x only needs to be captured by reference to be used with +, so the compiler is inferring that the code can look like:

struct Closure<'a> {
    x: &'a i32

/* impl of Fn for Closure */

fn make_adder(x: i32) -> Box<Fn(i32) -> i32> {
    Box::new(Closure { x: &x })

x goes out of scope at the end of make_adder so it is illegal to return something that holds a reference to it.

So how do we fix it? Wouldn’t it be nice if the compiler could tell us…

Well, actually, I omitted the last two lines of the error message above:

...:3:14: 3:23 help: to force the closure to take ownership of `x` (and any other referenced variables), use the `move` keyword, as shown:
...:      Box::new(move |y| x + y)

A new keyword! The move keyword can be placed in front of a closure declaration, and overrides the inference to capture all variables by value. Going back to the previous section, if the code used let closure = move || { /* same code */ } the environment struct would look like:

struct Environment {
    x: T,
    y: T,
    z: T

Capturing entirely by value is also strictly more general than capturing by reference: the reference types are first-class in Rust, so “capture by reference” is the same as “capture a reference by value”. Thus, unlike C++, there’s little fundamental distinction between capture by reference and by value, and the analysis Rust does is not actually necessary: it just makes programmers’ lives easier.

To demonstrate, the following code will have the same behaviour and same environment as the first version, by capturing references using move:

let x: T = ...;
let mut y: T = ...;
let mut z: T = ...;

let x_ref: &T = &x;
let y_mut: &mut T = &mut y;

let closure = move || {

    by_mut(&mut z);


The set of variables that are captured is exactly those that are used in the body of the closure, there’s no fine-grained capture lists like in C++11. The [=] capture list exists as the move keyword, but that is all.

We can now solve the original problem of returning from make_adder: by writing move we force the compiler to avoid any implicit/additional references, ensuring that the closure isn’t tied to the stack frame of its birth. If we take the compiler’s suggestion and write Box::new(move |y| x + y), the code inside the compiler will look more like:

struct Closure {
    x: i32

/* impl of Fn for Closure */

fn make_adder(x: i32) -> Box<Fn(i32) -> i32> {
    Box::new(Closure { x: x })

It is clear that the compiler doesn’t infer when move is required (or else we wouldn’t need to write it), but the fact that the help message exists suggests that the compiler does know enough to infer when move is necessary or not… in some cases. Unfortunately, doing so in general in a reliable way (a help message can be heuristic/best-effort, but inference built into the language cannot be), would require more than just an analysis of the internals of the closure body: it would require more complicated machinery to look at how/where the closure value is used.


The actual “function” bit of closures are handled by the traits mentioned above. The implicit struct types will also have implicit implementations of some of those traits, exactly those traits that will actually work for the type.

Let’s start with an example: for the make_adder example, the Fn trait is implemented for the implicit closure struct:

// (this is just illustrative, see the footnote for the gory details)
impl Fn(i32) -> i32 for Closure {
    fn call(&self, y: i32) -> i32 {
    // |y|   x + y
        self.x + y

In reality, there are also implicit implementations5 of FnMut and FnOnce for Closure, but Fn is the “fundamental” one for this closure.

There’s three traits, and so seven non-empty sets of traits that could6 possibly be implemented… but there’s actually only three interesting configurations:

  • Fn, FnMut and FnOnce,
  • FnMut and FnOnce,
  • only FnOnce.

Why? Well, the three closure traits are actually three nested sets: every closure that implements Fn can also implement FnMut (if &self works, &mut self also works; proof: &*self), and similarly every closure implementing FnMut can also implement FnOnce. This hierarchy is enforced at the type level, e.g. FnMut has declaration:

pub trait FnMut<Args>: FnOnce<Args> {

In words: anything that implements FnMut must also implement FnOnce.

There’s no subtlety required when inferring what traits to implement as the compiler can and will just implement every trait for which the implementation is legal. This is in-keeping with the “offer maximum flexibility” rule that was used for the inference of the capture types, since more traits means more options. The subset nature of the Fn* traits means that following this rule will always result in one of the three sets listed above being implemented.

As an example, this code demonstrates a closure for which an implementation of Fn is illegal but both FnMut and FnOnce are fine.

let mut v = vec![];

// nice form
let closure = || v.push(1);

// explicit form
struct Environment<'v> {
    v: &'v mut Vec<i32>

// let's try implementing `Fn`
impl<'v> Fn() for Environment<'v> {
    fn call(&self) {
        self.v.push(1) // error: cannot borrow data mutably
let closure = Environment { v: &mut v };

It is illegal to mutate via a & &mut ..., and &self is creating that outer shared reference. If it was &mut self or self, it would be fine: the former is more flexible, so the compiler implements FnMut for closure (and also FnOnce).

Similarly, if closure was to be || drop(v);—that is, move out of v—it would be illegal to implement either Fn or FnMut, since the &self (respectively &mut self) means that the method would be trying to steal ownership out of borrowed data: criminal.


One of Rust’s goals is to leave choice in the hands of the programmer, allowing their code to be efficient, with abstractions compiling away and just leaving fast machine code. The design of closures to use unique struct types and traits/generics is key to this.

Since each closure has its own type, there’s no compulsory need for heap allocation when using closures: as demonstrated above, the captures can just be placed directly into the struct value. This is a property Rust shares with C++11, allowing closures to be used in essentially any environment, including bare-metal environments.

The unique types does mean that one can’t use different closures together automatically, e.g. one can’t create a vector of several distinct closures. They may have different sizes and require different invocations (different closures correspond to different internal code, so a different function to call). Fortunately, the use of traits to abstract over the closure types means one can opt-in to these features and their benefits “on demand”, via trait objects: returning the Box<Fn(i32) -> i32> above used a trait object.

let text = "second";

let mut closures: Vec<Box<Fn()>> = vec![];

closures.push(Box::new(|| println!("first")));
closures.push(Box::new(|| println!("{}", text)));
closures.push(Box::new(|| println!("third")));

for f in &closures {
    f(); // first / second / third

An additional benefit to the approach of unique types and generics means that, by default, the compiler has full information about what closure calls are doing at each call site, and so has the choice to perform key optimisations like inlining. For example, the following snippets compile to the same code,

x.map(|z| z + 3)

match x {
    Some(z) => Some(z + 3),
    None => None

(When I tested it by placing them into separate functions in a single binary, the compiler actually optimised the second function to a direct call to the first.)

This is all due to how Rust implements generics via monomorphisation, where generic functions are compiled for each way their type parameters are chosen, explicitly substituting the generic type with a concrete one. Unfortunately, this isn’t always an optimisation, as it can result in code bloat, where there are many similar copies of a single function, which is again something that trait objects can tackle: by using a trait object instead, one can use dynamically dispatched closures to ensure there’s only one copy of a function, even if it is used with many different closures.

fn generic_closure<F: Fn(i32)>(f: F) {

generic_closure(|x| println!("{}", x)); // A
generic_closure(|x| { // B
    let y = x + 2;
    println!("{}", y);

fn closure_object(f: &Fn(i32)) {

closure_object(&|x| println!("{}", x));
closure_object(&|x| {
    let y = x + 2;
    println!("{}", y);

The final binary will have two copies of generic_closure, one for A and one for B, but only one copy of closure_object. In fact, there are implementations of the Fn* traits for pointers, so one can even use a trait object directly with generic_closure, e.g. generic_closure((&|x| { ... }) as &Fn(_)): so users of higher-order functions can choose which trade-off they want themselves.

All of this flexibility falls directly out of using traits7 for closures, and the separate parts are independent and very compositional.

The power closures offer allow one to build high-level, “fluent” APIs without losing performance compared to writing out the details by hand. The prime example of this is iterators: one can write long chains of calls to adapters like map and filter which get optimised down to efficient C-like code. (For example, I wrote a post that demonstrates this, and the situation has only improved since then: the closure design described here was implemented months later.)

In closing

Rust’s C++11-inspired closures are powerful tools that allow for high-level and efficient code to be build, marrying two properties often in contention. The moving parts of Rust’s closures are built directly from the normal type system with traits, structs and generics, which allows them to automatically gain features like heap allocation and dynamic dispatch, but doesn’t require them.

(Thanks to Steve Klabnik and Aaron Turon for providing feedback on a draft, and many commenters on /r/rust and on IRC for finding inaccuracies and improvements.)

  1. The Rust |...| ... syntax is more than just a closure: it’s an anonymous function. In general, it’s possible to have things that are closures but aren’t anonymous (e.g. in Python, functions declared with def foo(): are closures too, they can refer to variables in any scopes in which the def foo is contained). The anonymity refers to the fact that the closure expression is a value, it’s possible to just use it directly and there’s no separate fn foo() { ... } with the function value referred to via foo

  2. This choice is saying that transformers can be overloaded by the starting type, but the ending type is entirely determined by the pair of the transform and the starting type. Using an associated type for the return value is more restrictive (no overloading on return type only) but it gives the compiler a much easier time when inferring types. Using an associated type for the input value too would be too restrictive: it is very useful for the output type to depend on the input type, e.g. a transformation &'a [i32] to &'a i32 (by e.g. indexing) has the two types connected via the generic lifetime 'a

  3. This statement isn’t precisely true in practice, e.g. rustc will emit different errors if closures are misused in certain equivalent-but-non-identical ways. However, I believe these are just improved diagnostics, not a fundamental language thing… however, I’m not sure. 

  4. “By-value” in C++, including [=], is really “by-copy” (with some copy-elision rules to sometimes elide copies in certain cases), whereas in Rust it is always “by-move”, more similar to rvalue references in C++. 

  5. Since closure types are unique and unnameable, the only way to return one is via a trait object, at least until Rust gets something like the “abstract return types” of RFC 105, something much desired for handling closures. This is a little like an interface-checked version of C++11’s decltype(auto), which, I believe, was also partly motivated by closures with unnameable types. 

  6. I wrote an invalid Fn implementation because the real version is ugly and much less clear, and doesn’t work with stable compilers at the moment. But since you asked, here is what’s required:

    #![feature(unboxed_closures, core)]
    impl Fn<(i32,)> for Closure {
        extern "rust-call" fn call(&self, (y,): (i32,)) -> i32 {
            self.x + y
    impl FnMut<(i32,)> for Closure {
        extern "rust-call" fn call_mut(&mut self, args: (i32,)) -> i32 {
    impl FnOnce<(i32,)> for Closure {
        type Output = i32;
        extern "rust-call" fn call_once(self, args: (i32,)) -> i32 {

    Just looking at that, one might be able to guess at a few of the reasons that manual implementations of the function traits aren’t stabilised for general use. The only way to create types implementing those traits with the 1.0 compiler is with a closure expression. 

  7. I’m ignoring the inheritance, which means that certain sets are actually statically illegal, i.e., without other constraints there are seven possibilities. 

  8. C++ has a similar choice, with std::function able to provide type erasure/dynamic dispatch for closure types, although it requires separate definition as a library type, and requires allocations. The Rust trait objects are a simple building block in the language, and don’t require allocations (e.g. &Fn() is a trait object that can be created out of a pointer to the stack). 

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