GitHub - rgab1508/OpenStore: OpenStore is an NFT store built on Polygon Blockcha...

 2 years ago
source link: https://github.com/rgab1508/OpenStore
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Open Store


Open Store is a NFT marketplace where traders can buy and sell NFT tokens through the usage of ethers and track the ownership of digital assets.

Problem it Solves

  • Duplicate Asset Problem: Duplication of digital assets is not possible due to non fungibility of NFT's.

  • No Tampering of Data: No one can easily tamper the data as the data is stored on the blockchain.

  • Quick Transactions from Polygon: Polygon provided us with quick transaction speed which boosted the User Experience of our website.

  • Ownership Record Maintainance: Ownership can be tracked easily as smart contract passes the ownership from the seller to buyer directly.

  • Data Storage problem of Blockchain: Blockchain can't be used for storing media files for media assets in an efficient manner, so we used IPFS for digital assets.

Challenges Faced

  • Learning New Technologies: The entire team was unaware of the development technology behind NFT tokens. Consequently, the most difficult thing for us was to overcome the fear of learning a new technology such as blockchain. Thanks to Polygon, we were easily able to build NFT tokens.
  • Integrating errors: The integration of next.js backend and blockchain was one the challenges we faced.
  • CSS errors : We invested a lot of time in developing the front end from scratch.
  • Technical Errors: Many Errors while using blockchain emerged when we tried to merge the next.js with our backend.
  • Deploying error: Deploying was also one the challenges which we faced while building this project.

Final System Design

Technologies Used

Polygon, IPFS, Next.js, Hardhat, Ethereum, Solidity, Metamask,HTML/CSS, BootStrap, JavaScript

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